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Normandy Beaches - Honfeur, Mont Saint Michel, or somewhere in between?

Hello - we will be travelling through Europe by personal vehicle in November. We are planning to spend three days / two nights visiting the D-day beaches and sights. We will be coming from Bruges and then heading on to Paris. I was planning on one night in Honfleur and a second night just outside Mont Saint Michel. Now I am thinking it might be best to secure both nights at a centrally located city/accommodation. Please offer your recommendations for which city and appropriate accommodations. Thank you very much!

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519 posts

We stayed at an amazing chateau where the owners were both ex-military in the The UK. The husband showed us the war sites and his wife an expert in medieval history showed us St Mont Michel. They were both amazing & their Chateau was a highlight of our trip. If you would like additional info please pm me. Enjoy!

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1214 posts

If your primary goal is to see the D-day sights, neither Honfleur or MSM are close. You'd have to fit all your D-day sight-seeing in between a long travel day from Honfleur to Mont-Saint-Michel. ANd most of that day would be travelling. Not at all ideal. Better to stay somewhere central like Bayeux. You could stop at Honfleur en route from Bruges, and from Bayeux you could do easy short trips to many d-day sights. You could spend one day doing a day trip getting to/from MSM. Or go from MSM to Paris on your way back.

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10548 posts

Two nights only gives you 1 full day, not 3. Driving from Bruges it will take you approximately 5 hours to drive to Honfleur. Without stops. As mentioned, that is not a good base for the D-Day sites. Bayeux is a much better location. You could stop by Honfleur on your way to Bayeux, which is an additional approximately 1.5 hour drive. Spend the night in Bayeux and spend your full day seeing what you came there for. If you have a 3rd night and you just want an overview of the D-Day sites near Bayeux you could continue to MSM. Or you could spend 3 nights in Bayeux and daytrip to MSM from there.

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9 posts

Thank you, everyone. I’m glad I decided to rethink this part of our itinerary. I will find a place in Bayeux for both nights. Just where...?

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1633 posts

Just sent you a personal message on this site with information of where I stayed.