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4684 posts

That site doesn't look especially reliable. Linking through to the original story in French I suspect that he may be talking about organised group coach tours rather than sightseeing buses in the usual sense. But a native-French speaker could tell better.

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755 posts

Philip’s link to the original interview in the Parisien is helpful. The emphasis there was on the growing number of large group tour coaches clogging the streets while the tour guides on board narrate the view. They want to establish parking areas outside the center for these vehicles, and encourage the groups to do more walking and use of pubic transportation. The city understands that some coach tours (seniors for example) are valuable, but not the current unregulated situation. HOHO was not mentioned by name.

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10805 posts

The original French article linked by Philip says it’s a ban on large coaches. Designated drop off and waiting areas will be created in the outer arrondissements. No mention of HOHO made, which are smaller than coaches anyway. It appears that the intern who wrote the article made the assumption about the HOHOs.

A couple of other tidbits from the interview: 90% of tourism is independent, 8% is group (what’s the other 2, conferences, business,??), and the most targeted Metro line by pickpockets is the 1, where they have a lot of police working.