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Nice Itinerary for ~ 11 days - 5 Options - Hoping for suggestions

Hello Everyone, I will try and be as brief as possible:
Round Trip Flight to Nice and will have ~ 11 days to use where my family and I are flying into nice and back home from nice.

We are considering the following:
1) Nice -> Saint-Tropez -> Marseille -> Back to Nice (use of trains and buses)
2) Nice -> Genoa-> Portofino-> Back to Nice (use of trains and buses)
3) Nice -> Corsica-> Back to Nice (use of Ferry)
4) Nice -> Sardinia-> Back to Nice (use of Ferry)
5) 4) Nice -> Corsica-> Sardinia-> Back to Nice (use of Ferry)

We realize it is going to be crowded during August and things may be shut down however because of work and school schedules we have no choice and the flight ticket to Nice just happened to be the most affordable for our family, so we are trying to make it work.

Do you all have any recommendation on our ideas or other suggestions we should consider.
My party will consist of two adults and one 5-year-old who loves water and sand as well as being a very good traveler

Thank you all very much for your help in advance.


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