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Nice airport immigration lines in june

If arriving in Nice in the morning in June how long are the immigration lines and is it worth it to get fast pass for $250 each passenger on arrival? It just seems like a lot of money?

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105 posts

We arrived in Nice from USA last June 10 mid morning. We were not in first class but the next section back. From gate to tram outside was something like 45 minutes, most of that waiting (maybe 20 minutes) for luggage. We were on Delta from Atlanta
But, maybe we were lucky...

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7268 posts

250 each?!? That's a lot of money. Take your hourly wage, and see how long the line would have to be for it to be worth it. Unless you are much better off than I am, I do not think you will come to a positive conclusion.

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10526 posts

Way, way overpriced. I paid 150 at CDG for door to door concierge service, fast track at passport, luggage service and drop off at the next flight for my visiting offspring travelling alone with a child.