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Nice airport 6:30 a.m. flight: Taxi at 4:00 a.m?

Is it difficult to hire a cab in the center of Nice to the Nice airport at 4:00 a.m.? Or should we check out of our in-town hotel and spend the last night in an airport hotel?

Thank You!

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2167 posts

Contact your in-town hotel. I would expect it’s easy for them to arrange a taxi to pick you up at the hotel at 4 am.

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33452 posts

It is only 4 miles from the main parts of Nice - a taxi will get you there in a trice.

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13 posts

Thank you everyone!
Decision made - We'll stay in town and grab a very early cab-

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10019 posts

Before you have the taxi come that early, check what time the check-in desk for your airline. You may be thinking of going a bit too early, before there is anyone there to help you. Then again, maybe not, so it is best to check to be sure.

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20942 posts

I was wondering if you need to get to a small airport 2 1/2 hours before a flight.