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Posted by
250 posts

Thank you for sharing! I’ll be in Paris mid-November and am planning to reserve.

Posted by
3767 posts

Thanks for sharing -- just bought tickets for November 9th.

Posted by
6 posts

I have already purchased entry tickets to the Orsay for October 15 with a reserved time slot. I'm looking at the website and it looks to me like the regular entry ticket price also covers the special Van Gogh exhibit. Will my entry time reservation work for the special exhibit? We are going when the museum opens at 9:30 a.m., so hopefully it won't be terribly crowded then, but I would hate to miss out on the exhibit because I've skipped a step somewhere. Can anyone advise who has been to a special exhibit like this before? I've only visited the permanent galleries in the past.

Posted by
6362 posts

Jennifer Perry, I don't know if the general admission ticket will get you in to the special exhibit, but our tickets say

Reservation Van Gogh Exhibition

on them.

Posted by
45 posts


Great find! I've wanted to go to the Van Gogh exhibit for years, but have yet to find one that meshes with our schedule. It would be delightful to finally get to visit it, in Paris, of all places!

Thanks for sharing this information!


Posted by
6362 posts

Thanks everyone; we're hitting the road today, so I'll be "out of pocket" as a former employer used to say, at least until tomorrow.

Posted by
707 posts

I opted for the Van Goghs’ Palette ( a virtual reality exhibition) plus exhibition, paying €22 each for entry. The Palette was extra even though it lasts a very short time-but then it’s virtual reality so makes me wonder !!
This gives us priority access to the Van Gogh in Anvers-sur-Oise, but not sure what priority will actually mean. We’ll just show up and see what happens!