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New Vaccine Pass rules???

My wife and I are going to France in April 2022. The information about vaccine passes in France seem very confusing and I think, they changed yesterday? My wife and I are both vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine and eight months after our initial vaccination series we received our Pfizer booster so, by CDC standards, we are "fully vaccinated". Apparently this is appropriate for entry into France also however, it appears that in order to get a vaccine pass, you must have received the booster within seven months of your last vaccine dose? Go figure? If you follow the CDC guidelines in USA you could not get your booster vaccine earlier than that? So, how are we going to find out if we are eligible for a vaccine pass? I have been both to the US Department of state site (also confusing) and the French Embassy site (also confusing). Can someone help? Thanks!

Posted by
9092 posts

Note: I dont believe CDC has changed the US definition of fully vaccinated to include the third shot.

Posted by
2746 posts

As we are discussing France, anything from a US source might be of very limited value. Hopefully, this summary will be helpful:

You will need the following to enter France from an orange country such as the USA:

  • A negative PCR/Antigen test taken no earlier than 48 hours before your initial embarkation.

  • To complete a sworn statement about covid contact. Typically done on the aircraft en route.

  • You must have the Covid booster if your 2nd shot was received earlier than 9 months before entry into France.

Once in France, you will need a pass vaccinal to enter cafés, restaurants, museums, concerts, or use non-local transportation, i.e. TGVs, Intercité trains, or flights.

  • Covid booster taken 3 months after the 2nd shot with a 1 month grace period (4 months total from 2nd shot).

  • Pass is valid 7 days after the booster.

  • Your Covid shot record may be evaluated by almost any pharmacist who can issue EU QR codes making your information universally acceptable. Cost is 36€.

Note: As a tourist, the booster requirements are met once you receive the booster, which can be given at any time. The booster must be a messenger RNA vaccine.

Posted by
33 posts

Thank you, Tocard
My confusion lies in whether our booster shots that were 8 months after our second vaccine shot is within the time frame required by France? From what I see on the French Embassy website, the booster has to be within 7 months. Are they going to require a 4th shot to get a vaccine pass?

Posted by
33 posts

Sorry, I mis-spoke, The information was from the US Embassy in Paris yesterday. See below

"Please note that the above only applies to the rules to enter France. Different rules apply to receiving the vaccine pass. As a reminder, the vaccine pass requires a booster shot for people age 18 and older within seven months (until February 15, when this become four months) after their second shot. Due to this difference, it is possible for a person to be considered fully vaccinated to enter France, but not fully vaccinated to receive the vaccine pass."

Posted by
2746 posts

Correct, if you have the booster shot, you need little else, other than the Antigen test for entry.

Posted by
16 posts

Yes, new rules posted Feb 4, 2022.
I have a trip scheduled in May, 2022, but it looks like I would not be able to go. I have two Pfizer shots and a booster (all three Pfizer).
My booster shot was Dec 17, 2021, and it was 9 months and 15 days after my second Pfizer shot March 3, 2021.

The two websites I'm referencing: (from an Orange listed country)
and... (US Embassy Paris)

If anyone understands this differently, please do let me know because I would need to ensure compliance with entry to France, plus also a vaccine pass to tour sights and visit restaurants.

Thank you for any comments and if I'm understanding this correctly.

Posted by
33 posts

S. Mixon
I am in the same situation as you are in. See the original post I made above. Hopefully since this is a new change, clarifications will be forthcoming soon. I know you are in good shape to get into the country with your booster situation. The "vaccine pass" is what I cannot be sure of at present? Good luck!

Posted by
6 posts

I don't know how you interpret "Covid booster taken 3 months after the 2nd shot with a 1 month grace period (4 months total from 2nd shot)" as anything other than requiring that the booster must have been administered not more than 4 months after the second jab.

Of course this will prevent almost every American from getting the pass sanitaire required to vacation or travel within in France, as boosters were not available within that very short time frame, and indeed, we were instructed to wait 6 months at least. In other words, almost no U.S. resident will meet this new requirement.

Assuming this requirement means what it says and the U.S. Embassy website is correct that the requirement for entry into France are different from those required to obtain the pass, then then I don't see any U.S. resident vacationing in France. I certainly will cancel my trip now scheduled for June if I cannot qualify for the pass sanitaire.

Posted by
2168 posts

Following along… we’re in the same boat. Two Moderna & booster 8 months later. Can’t rewind the clock so hoping we’ll be able to eat and go to the museums in Paris. Yikes!

Posted by
124 posts

Hi All,
We are also going to France in May. PCR test 48 hours prior required by UA to board.
We have:
-2 Pfizer vax: Jan & Feb 2021
-1 Pfizer Booster: September 2021

Plan on getting another booster in April to comply with French regulations for Passe Sanitaire. Questions:
- Any intell on how much time to budget for waiting in line at CDG Pharmacies at peak of tourists?
An RS post in November 21, estimated 4 hours. We don't want to start in Paris, plan to end there & depart for US.
-But we realize flexibility is key: any suggestions on large pharmacies that will serve the mobs for the Passe Sanitaire IN PARIS?

All thoughts, warnings, suggestions are very welcome. Thank you!

Posted by
33 posts

OK. I am the person that originally posted this question. I contacted my travel agent here in the states who has contacted a travel agent in France with this specific question. Below is the answer. Apparently much of that verbiage is to coerce French citizens into getting their booster. According to this French travel agent as long as you are fully vaccinated and have had a booster, you will be able to both enter the country and to get a valid vaccine pass. I hope this helps? SEE QUOTE BELOW

*“This phrase is more for the French to not lose our Health pass that we had to get the booster within the 7 th month after the second dose to make sure we get boosted – as most of the French had their second dose over the summer so the 7 months are now in the middle of the Omnicron crises – they want all the French to get the booster
This phrase confuses a lot of travelers as they had the booster and the second dose earlier than the French
By Febr 15- it will be 4 month in between 2nd dose and booster – but only to not lose your health pass as a French – even if you go over delay once you have been boosted, you get your health pass back

But in fact for traveler it doesn’t matter when you get your booster as long as you have it

To have an health pass
• Over 16 years If your second was done more than 4 months ago , the booster is required
If you receive your booster you will have your health pass even if you received the 3rd dose more than 4 months ago , or if they were more than 4 months in between your second dose and your booster
• In between 12 to 16 years – 2 Doses are required”*

Posted by
34 posts

Thank you for contacting your travel agent. The explanation makes sense, though the whole issue sent my blood pressure skyrocketing! We are slated to depart on March 29. We are all vaxxed and boosted but have 9 months between second shot and booster shot. Where do we acquire the health pass? Is this something that a pharmacy issues?

Posted by
46 posts

"To have an health pass
• Over 16 years If your second was done more than 4 months ago , the booster is required
If you receive your booster you will have your health pass even if you received the 3rd dose more than 4 months ago , or if they were more than 4 months in between your second dose and your booster
• In between 12 to 16 years – 2 Doses are required”

With regards to the above statement, I don't believe it is entirely correct. Yes, anyone over 16 needs the vaccine pass, but those aged 16 through 18 + 1 month are not required to have the booster. I know this as my 17 year-old currently has a vaccine pass (issued back in October 2021 when you could get one online). Mine and my wife's expired as we are over 18 and cannot show proof of our boosters from the U.S. My daughter's is still valid (I confirmed this from the Tous Anti-Covid app).

This qoute comes from the following site:

"From February 15, 2022, what are the changes concerning the " vaccination pass " ?

On February 15, 2022, the booster dose must be carried out as early as 3 months after the end of their initial vaccination schedule and within a maximum of 4 months, in other words, the person will have 1 month to carry out their booster.

This measure applies to people over 18 years and 1 month. Indeed, 16 and 17 year olds are not obliged to do their booster shot to keep their “vaccination pass” , even if it is strongly recommended. Concerning 12-15 year olds, they are not subject to the vaccination pass. As part of the health pass, they are not obliged to carry out their recall, even if the recall is open to them.

In addition, as of February 15, 2022, people who cannot complete their recall in time because they have been infected with Covid-19, will be able to use their recovery certificate from 11 days after infection and up to 4 months for 18 years and over. Their booster dose must be taken from 3 months after infection and up to 4 months, the expiry date of their recovery certificate as part of the vaccination pass. Indeed from February 15, the certificate of reinstatement will be valid for 4 months and no longer 6 months, as is currently the case."

Posted by
33 posts

You can get the vaccine pass at French pharmacies, but, not all of them. My airline (Delta) had a link on their website and you could enter your destination and up came the pharmacies in the area that do it.

Posted by
16 posts

Thank you all for sharing info that you've gathered. I'm going to watch the websites and also see about reaching out to an embassy or consulate for clarification (I'll share if I find out any info). It would be a great trip to go on, but will see what transpires. Thanks again for your info!

Posted by
24 posts

I'm leaving February 21.

My husband and I were vaccinated with Johnson and Johnson in April 2021. We had our Moderna booster shots in January 2022.

Please tell me we should be OK with receiving our vaccine passes!

Posted by
16 posts

I sent a question off to US Embassy for some clarification. I'm not sure how long it takes to receive an answer; I would think it may be some time. Requesting clarification on "counting" months in between approved vaccines and boosters.

Posted by
216 posts

I have been following, as I, too, leave March 29th to Paris with my Wife for her 60th Birthday. We have been on and off wrt being excited, as we were not sure how all would work out. At this point, we are certainly planning on going, and will do whatever is required, and expect this trip to be "different" than past trips. I have been fortunate to have been to Paris many times (used to work there for a bit), so very excited to get back to this beautiful city. I had gotten my pass sanitaire awhile ago, but it is no longer valid as I need to add the booster, which the app does not allow - so will also have to go to a pharmacy when there to get my pass updated.


Posted by
32 posts

I am in the process of changing our trip to France from May 2022 to June 2022 as the new rules for a health pass that kick in Feb. 15 would prohibit me from getting a health pass. I am not due to get my booster until early June (five months after 2nd Phizer shot per CDC recommendation) so our original departure date of May 12 became an issue as just over four months would have passed since my second dose. I found out that it's almost impossible to get your booster even a few days early....meaning if you got your second shot on Jan. 2, you have to wait until June 2 or later for booster. So....I will be getting my booster in June and then we can arrive in Paris 7 days after that. We would prefer to travel in May...but we're just happy to finally be going to France after multiple cancellations.

Posted by
73 posts

We leave for Paris and Normandy on March 14, just 35 days! Had our last shot on 4/21 and booster just last week on Feb 2. So according to the French travel agent comment above, we should be fine since we’ve indeed had the booster. But after Feb 15, it appears that status changes. We’ve got an inquiry regarding this submitted to AAA travel , I’ll post whatever info I receive.
Looking forward to seeing what others find out as well.

Posted by
2746 posts

If you have the booster, you qualify for both entry into France and for the pass vaccinal (valid 7 days after the booster).

Posted by
33 posts

After all of the research I've done (I started this discussion question Saturday) and after contact with a travel agent in France I believe that TOCARD is correct. If you are fully vaccinated and have had a booster you will be able to enter France and you will be able to get a valid vaccine pass.

Posted by
73 posts


Even after the Feb 15 when the rules are changed?
I pray it’s still going to work out, we’ve already bought Louvre tickets and Eiffel Tower as well. Booking Versailles tonight. Have seen parts of Louvre and Eiffel already, but are anxious to return..

Posted by
34 posts

I contacted the American embassy in Paris. I gave them the dates of shots and boosters for myself, my husband and my son. They wrote back saying that, based on our shots, we were eligible to enter the country and get the vaccine pass. I pointed out the discrepancy in the elapsed time between my second shot and my booster (which is where the question lies) since it was longer than 9 months (more like 9.5 months). I am awaiting their reply. My gut feeling is that we will be eligible for the health pass. We are planning on forging ahead with our March 29 departure.

Posted by
496 posts

I'm really hoping some on the ground in France will update this thread with getting the pass for access within France. Seems there is no issue getting into France - but of course no point in being there if you can't access anything!

I ironically I at just over 4 months after my 2nd jab- I could get a booster now - but I'd much rather wait until much nearer to our travel dates in July a) to insure I have max resistance to the disease and b) I will be covered in countries like Croatia which require your last dose to be within 6 months

Posted by
10781 posts

The new rules are intended to get residents of France off their duffs and boosted. Their Vaccine Passes will turn off past the required time period until they get their shots.

So it's not affecting tourists who had boosters whether 4, 6, 8, 9 months past their second shots. Your only criteria is that you have the required number of shots. No panic, doubt, loss of sleep or cancelations necessary. Bon voyage.

Posted by
2746 posts

Thanks Bets. My error was including too much information in my original post at the top of this thread without clearly explaining that if you are a tourist and not living in France, you simply need the booster (defined as messenger RNA vaccine) which qualifies you for both entry and the pass vaccinal.

Posted by
10781 posts

Tocard-- you can edit. Feel free to use anything I wrote. There's a fair amont of concern, even panic about this. Your post will be read by many more people than mine.

Posted by
2746 posts

Bets - I tried to be clear that there are two ways to look at the government's directions, (1) as a resident of France wanting to keep a pass vaccinal continuously valid and (2) as a tourist who only needs temporary use of a pass vaccinal (you just need the booster).

I think it also helps if the information is coming from more than one person.

Posted by
98 posts

So, everyone is confused. Tocard and Bets both indicate the pass vaccinal can be obtained at some pharmacies. The big concern seems to be the pass, not entry into France. Since Americans couldn't get booster within four months, and a fourth dose isn't approved, we would be ok because we are tourists not residents? Also, J&J is not an messenger RNA so the booster must be Moderna or Pfizer even if already boosted with J&J?

Posted by
34 posts

I heard back from the U.S. embassy in Paris.
They said:
"Thank you for your message. The rule was set in place to encourage travelers to get their booster no later than 9 months. You have your booster therefore you are eligible to enter France and apply/receive your vaccine pass."

They also sent a link to all the pharmacies in France that can award the health pass. I've already jotted down the closest three to where I will be staying in Paris.

Posted by
27 posts

To clarify: the Vaccine Pass is only available once you have entered France? So once we've arrived at the airport, luggage in hand and hit the bank ATM our next stop would be a pharmacy or other to get the Vaccine Pass? I'm sure there are places at CDG that can issue the pass?

Posted by
33 posts

Thanks to everyone for helping out and calming those of us who were so concerned that we would have to alter our trips. Especially TOCARD, the voice of calm!

Posted by
16 posts

Thank you all for your comments and understanding of "the rules of the road" for tourists in France.

So, I am to understand that since I have three Pfizer vaccines done Feb, March and December 2021 (the Dec vaccine was the booster) I'm good to go?

I have been very concerned since my booster was 9 1/2 months after the second vaccine shot (not 7, 8 or 9, but 9 1/2)
Sincere thanks if you can reply!

Posted by
119 posts


I had J&J and a Pfizer booster. My Pass Sanitaire says “Pfizer 2/2,” which is annoying because it then appears that I have not had a booster. I’m not sure if the app didn’t have a category for J&J AND Pfizer or the pharmacist just got it wrong. It would be worth looking into. I’m returning in August so I hope to figure this out, too.

Posted by
17 posts


United requires either a PCR or Antigen test (it’s France’s rule, not theirs). Most people can’t get PCR test results within 48 hours of departure. The United wording is confusing, but when compared with France’s rule, it makes sense that either a PCR or an Antigen test is acceptable. So, the rapid tests one can get at most pharmacies would work.

Copied from my United app:

“ What is accepted at your destination: France

Your destination accepts one of the following requirements. The requirements provided are based on the Nationality you provided. Countries may have different requirements for different Nationalities.

A negative COVID-19 Molecular: PCR, Antigen/AG test
Test must be taken no more than 48 hours before your departure from Newark (EWR)

Based on your itinerary, an acceptable test should be dated no earlier than xxxxxxxxx”

We’re taking United in late April. Of course, if France drops their testing requirement for the vaccinated, it’s moot.


Posted by
2746 posts

Your destination accepts one of the following requirements. The requirements provided are based on the Nationality you provided. Countries may have different requirements for different Nationalities.

Before this goes off the rails again, please allow me to clarify that this statement from United Airlines only concerns your meeting Schengen zone visa entry requirements. Those from the USA may stay in France for 90 days before they must leave for 90 days (90/180 day rule). Anyone wanting to stay longer than 90 days must have a visa. Citizens from some countries must have special visa to say only 10 days. This requirement has nothing to do with Covid. Covid entry rules are only concerned with the country from which you enter France - not your passport.

A negative COVID-19 Molecular: PCR, Antigen/AG test
Test must be taken no more than 48 hours before your departure from Newark (EWR)

As of today, the French require a negative PCR/Antigen test given no earlier than 48 hours from your initial embarkation for France. As you live in New Jersey, I assume your EWR flight to France is your embarkation but for some of your fellow passengers, who are only connecting in EWR, their 48 hours before embarkation timeframe would start when boarding their connecting flights to EWR.

Posted by
2 posts

I have this same question. I have put a email out to our travel agent but have not heard back. We had our shots back in March/April of 2021. We have NOT had our boosters yet and would like to wait till the end of May to get them since we don't leave until the end of June. Will we still be able to head to France or do we need to cancel and go with another destination? Please help!

Posted by
98 posts

I ask the same question and got a response from the American embassy in Paris. If you have had a booster which is mandatory, it doesn't matter if it was way after your initial dose for travelers. The 4 month rule applies to French citizens. However, the booster must be an mRNA booster which leaves out a booster of J&J. Your first shot can be J&J but not the booster. Moderna and Pfizer perfect.

Posted by
16 posts


Thanks for sharing your reply from the embassy; I do appreciate the info. I had been concerned. I have 3 Pfizer shots, the last being the booster. There's a longer time between 2nd shot and booster: March to December....booster was in December. I could not figure out if they were "counting" months in-between 2nd Pfizer and Pfizer booster.

Posted by
98 posts

Okay everyone, we are all off the cliff right? Anyone who has had a booster at any month after your initial vaccination, whether two shots or one, is going to get the pass once in France. The booster is mandatory. Month count is only for citizens of France just like Tocard and Bets said. For travelers who are not citizens of France, take your CDC card to a pharmacy and get the QR code. The pharmacy will accept three shots of Moderna or Pfizer and one shot of J&J IF the booster was Moderna or Pfizer. If your booster was also J&J you have a problem right now.
See you in France.

Posted by
1 posts

I realize that anyone who has received a booster will be eligible for the vaccine pass in France. But the official websites need to clarify their information so people aren’t so confused. The confusion could be hurting tourism to France.