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New to France

We are both in our 70s in fair shape. We will be celebrating 50 years of together and would like to spend it in France. Anniversary
is May 18. What would you suggest a good tour for 7 to 10 days, we do not speak French and never been over the pond. Any Ideas would be appreciated

Thank You

Posted by
14208 posts

Are you considering a Rick Steves tour? For that time frame you could do Best of Paris or if you have a day or 2 longer consider Paris and the Heart of France. I’ve done both and they are excellent.

I have very pathetic language skills. No French is needed except “Bonjour” and Merci!!

I’d recommend you edit your post to take out your email. If anyone here wants to communicate with you there is a private message function.

Welcome to the forum!!

Posted by
5081 posts

I agree with Pam. As a security measure, remove your email address from your post. Just use the edit button.

For a first time visitor, you may prefer to do one of Rick's tours, especially if you want to visit several places. Otherwise, for 7 nights in France (not counting your transatlantic travel days) you could easily just stay in Paris and do a few day trips by train to nearby towns. For 10 days you could split your time between Paris and another area of France. You would need to do a bit of research to see where you want to go: Normandy, the Loire, Alsace, Provence, the Cote d'Azure?

Posted by
2893 posts

Congratulations on 50 years together!! My hubby and I just celebrated our 53rd anniversary.
For security, as others said, please remove your email address from your post. Also edit your location to just "Georgia" and/or shorten your name to "David." It's a public forum so anyone can see what you posted.

Here are the links to the tours Pam mentioned
Heart of France

I have not done either but last year did the South of France tour. Plus I have gone on two others and am signed up for another for September 2024. As for tour activity level, I'm 73 and able to keep the tour pace.

Posted by
1866 posts

I am in my late 70s and will take my 9th Rick tour this month, my 2nd one in France. I travel solo and I love combining his tours with independent travel. Doing the 7 Day Paris tour would be good as in the big cities most folks who deal with tourists speak at least a little English.....better than our French. I always practice my horrid French before leaving so I can speak a few polite words, like bonjour, merci, s'il vous plait, etc.