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New question for timed tickets for Louvre

I've been following the updates on the Louvre. We were going to get Museum passes for September, but now decided on timed tickets for the date we want to go ( which is not a problem). My question is this: With these tickets, are they good for the entire day to come and go? We wanted to go early in the morning, then leave and do other things and then return later in the evening. Is this possible with the timed ticket or are we resigned to a one time entry?

Ugh, so many changes for a place that I have been looking forward to seeing for 2 1/2 years (and no the Mona Lisa isn't on the top of my list). It's the rest of this place with it's sculptures, architecture and history that I want to see.

Thank you in advance.

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8441 posts

It appears that thanks to abuse by Chinese tour groups which have been putting through several tours on the same day with the same tickets that the ability to come and go is now over. I have no idea how they would enforce this with the way the Louvre is set up and the food services and book store outside the ticketed area but that is now the rule apparently. I have not personally experienced it though. Who knows what will be up by September.

This feature of the ticket was always a plus for us as well; we usually sent in the morning and then came back in the evening. But don't count on this in your planning and keep looking for info on up to the time of your trip and let us know what you experience.

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4555 posts

I'm not sure the dishonest groups are the only reason, since they could easily adopt the common practice of stamping hands of those who leave and want to come back the same day.

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14559 posts

I think someone (on what might be your question) on TA linked to this statement on the Louvre website. I'm only repeating it here for others who may be following the Louvre saga and might not have seen it.

"Please note that tickets are valid only for the chosen service, date and time.
Once visitors leave the museum (through the Pyramid or the Porte des Lions), they will not be able to re-enter."

My concern had been moving from wing to wing as well as leaving to eat or get a breath of fresh air. This is aggravating because really, I can't do more than about 2-3 hours in the Louvre without going in to overload. It's easier to spend more time in the non-crowded area but sometimes you have to push thru a crowded area to get to the non-crowded ones.

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8441 posts

Of course they could manage the cheating easily by having different tickets for tour groups; it is annoying that they have decided to penalize normal visitors just minding their own business. but efficiency has never been a characteristic much valued here.

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16895 posts

Of course, I don't believe that the honest tour groups should be penalized, either.

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9436 posts

“but efficiency has never been a characteristic much valued here”

I agree janet. You all know i lovvve Paris/France but efficiency and logic is not their skill set.