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New Ouigo Trains from Brussels to Paris

SNCF is to start running 3 return Ouigo trains a day between Brussels and Paris from 19 December. Trains will take 3 hours with fares between €10 and €59.
Trains will run from Paris at
08:18, arriving at 11:21
12:28, arriving at 15:21
19:15, arriving at 22:21

Trains from Brussels will depart at:
7:38, arriving in Paris at 10:36
13:38, arriving at 16:44
18:38, arriving at 21:35

Posted by
8703 posts

Note that the comfort level of Ouigo seats is like riding the metro for 4 hours. It is a way to save money -- I'd prefer getting tickets early on the Thalys (Eurostar) with comfortable seats for long distance travel.

Posted by
10427 posts

It's great to have a second option on this route.

Posted by
8505 posts

Note that the comfort level of Ouigo seats is like riding the metro for 4 hours.

These trains are being marketed under the Ouigo brand (as Ouigo Classic), but are NOT in fact Ouigo TGV's. They run over the classic route with intermediate calls at Mons, Aulnoye and Creil.
This is a SNCF/SNCB joint venture using the very comfortable loco hauled SNCB stock which they used on the Olympics special trains, and was trailed at the time as going to happen.
This is very good rolling stock, arguably better quality than Thalys. If the two trains were the same price, and I wasn't rushing round to make the journey in the fastest possible time I would take these in preference to Thalys any day, and bring my own food and drink.

Posted by
10427 posts

Oh that's right, Stuart makes a good point. These trains are NOT ouigo TGVs, are refurbished corails from SNCB. So — much more comfortable and nice to be able to save some money by taking a little longer on this route.

Posted by
7335 posts

These trains call at Mons, and Mons is a nice place to explore for a few hours. Bell tower (beffroi), Grand Place, and a few well-preserved streets: it is no Bruges, but there are hardly any tourists around.

Posted by
34356 posts

thanks for mentioning Mons, balso. I have never turned off there although I drive past as I drive from home in England to Luxembourg and onwards to Switzerland. I have only seen the huge slurry pipe near the Grand Hornu and that doesn't do much for me. I need a break before Namur so I will turn in and look at Mons the next time I'm through.

Posted by
10427 posts

And here's an article from Le Figaro - if you read French, or just want to see a few photos.

Paris-Bruxelles en 3 heures et à prix doux : nous avons testé la nouvelle ligne OuiGo à petite vitesse

The author notes that they took the train one day last week, having purchased their train ticket the day before. The ticket on the new SNCB / OUIGO service cost him 19€. When he looked at a Eurostar (former Thalys) ticket for the same (next) day, the cheapest available was €109.

It won't be the right answer for everyone, but this is going to be a great option for a lot of people. I would be happy to take three hours to get there to say €200 round trip.