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New Baggage “Limits” for French TGV and Intercites Trains (Shouldn’t be Problematic for most)

Hi everyone - I think most travelers are aware of the limits to baggage that you can bring on the discount OuiGo trains.

But since the middle of February, the SNCF has instituted a baggage limit for regular TGVs and Intercites trains.

However, don’t worry, I don’t think the limits will cause any problem for most RS and RS-type travelers !

Each passenger on a TGV (InOui) or Intercites train is now limited to:
- two pieces of luggage that are a max of 70 cm x 90 cm x 50 cm each
- one piece of hand baggage that is max 40 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm

As to baggage that the SNCF considers “special,” such as baby strollers, scooters, skis, or surfboards, the max dimensions as 90x130 cm, and in that case you can only bring ONE big bag in addition to the special item and one piece of hand baggage. (Edit to note that the fine print says of course no matter what size your skis are, each traveler can travel with one set of skis.)

The fine for exceeding your baggage allowance is 50 euros, but they won’t be giving fines until September 15.

To be honest, I have no idea how they will actually check this. Nor any idea how tough they will be on it. But just wanted to let people know.

Posted by
11728 posts

90 cm x 70 cm x 50 cm =~ 35 x 27 x 19
40 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm = ~ 15 x 12 x 6

Can you pay an extra fee ( like an airline) to take extra or oversized bags or is it just a matter paying a fine when caught?

Posted by
284 posts

We just got off train yesterday and they didn't check at all. I saw someone get off the train with a double-sized suitcase in second class and looked like she wasn't hassled. They have limited space though for overhead which is nothing new. We booked 1st class, and they have more room to store suitcases.

Posted by
7804 posts

Gee, if the limit for skis is 130 cm, that eliminates just about every skis except those for a small child. I guess it’s €50 extra for anyone bringing their own skis next winter.

Posted by
10035 posts

That's a good point, Cyn.

In fact, on the specific page where they detail the sizes, when they give the 130cm-long dimension, they specifically list skis . . .

But then just after that in a little “+” section that you can click on to have more information about skis, it says, much more logically, that each passenger can of course bring skis no matter what size they are.

Joe - I looked and didn't see any means by which one could prepay an additional piece of baggage. Maybe they will figure out they need to offer that.

Again, this is in “period of adaptation” from now through September 15..

Posted by
2402 posts

Most railways have these rules. But in most cases they are not enforced. They are mostly there so that the train conductors have a something they can refer to when someone tries to for example move a fridge by train...

Posted by
33509 posts

I once had a man get on one of my trains with a writing desk and two (!!) donkeys. And a friend to help. Good as gold they were.

It was a long time ago on a rural line towards Worcester.

Posted by
10554 posts

Nigel, I would have loved to be on that train!

Posted by
795 posts

Nigel, I don't think I would have stopped laughing until I got off of the train at my destination! hahahahaha

Posted by
2402 posts

I have transported the following on trains:
- A freezer.
- A half hight 19 inch computer rack (with servers)
- A matress.
- Ikea Flat Packs...

But then I live in Wengwald, and the train is the only way to get stuff up there. Officially I am not supposed to do this, and pay for freight transport, but if I do this outside busy times the staff allows it.

Posted by
10035 posts

Nigel -- oh my, that must have been something!!!!

Posted by
2507 posts

Thanks for the laughs, y’all! I will be taking a train from the Paris CDG airport to Reims in early September and wanted to make sure my luggage would be in compliance.
No donkeys in my bags! Hahaha!

Posted by
8447 posts

I have taken the TGV several times in the last year and never noticed any issues around checking on baggage -- I suppose if one had crazy amounts that might occur but it would be hard to carry more than the listed limits. It is a real pain to have to deal with large heavy baggage on a train where there is never enough space to stow it. If we are doing short side trips e.g. 3 or 4 days we just use backpacks -- if we are moving cities we have the backpack and a suitcase and that is always awkward to deal with but we manage. No official has ever focused on how much luggage people have and we do see people with giant suitcases on occasion.

And note that a 35 inch bag is enormous -- much too large to be using for train travel unless one is moving households or something like that. I would not travel by train with a bag bigger than 26 inches and that is already a very large bag -- much better to use a 22 or 24 inch bag if possible.