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Navigo Decouverte

Hello, we will be arriving in Paris on a Saturday via the Eurostar, then leaving Paris by train to the Loire that day. We are renting a car in the Loire, then visiting Versailles on Wednesday on our way back to Paris, returning the car in Versailles. We will take the train from Versailles to Paris on Wednesday. My question is: can we buy the Navigo Decouverte on that Saturday for the following week? It doesn't seem that we would be able to purchase it at the Versailles station, but in order to take full advantage of it we would want it to take the train from Versailles back to Paris, then use while in Paris for the rest of the week. From what I understand this is possible, but I would love it if someone can verify. Merci!

Edit: We purchased the passes with no difficulty on Saturday--they were loaded and ready to go when we needed them on Thursday. However--do be careful when using them on the Metro entry machines. The machines do not always light up or beep when it registers the card, and then you can't use it again. We had a nice Parisien double up with our daughter who didn't realize she could go through and then her card didn't work.

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2789 posts

You may purchase a Navigo Découvert anytime you like (5€). It should be configured with bearer’s name and photo before use.

If you load a pass, such as the Navigo Semaine or weekly pass (30€) on a Saturday, the pass will become usable on the following Monday through Sunday period.

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363 posts

To say it another way, yes, you can buy the pass the Saturday before the week in which you intend to use it. Your plan will work.

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208 posts

Also recently read that if you have a smart phone, you can add - Bonjour RATP app and it can be used like the Navajo pass. I haven't personally tried it, but if you search recent posts, its in the comments on a similar posters question.

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148 posts

If you already have an existing Navigo Découverte Card (physical card); you can top up with a new Navigo weekly pass by using the Bonjour RATP app on your smart phone. Otherwise you will need to buy a new Navigo Découverte Card first; then load it with the weekly pass.


  • If you buy pass on Monday - Thursday it's for the current week; Friday - Sunday is for the following week.
  • You will need to affix a face photo (3cm x 2.5cm) and your name on the card. Without these you can get a fine by inspector.
  • New card is 5€, the all-zone weekly pass is 30€ (they raised the price)

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1473 posts

And for the photo it can be one that you print out on regular paper. I had my photo taken on my iPhone, sent it to my computer, resized it to the dimensions and printed out a few copies. Then I just attached it to the Navigo-D once I got the pass.

Enjoy your trip.

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2158 posts

I just copied our driver’s license pictures and cut them down as needed. Quick and adequate.

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2789 posts

This is the official requirement for Navigo Découverte photos:

1.3. Pour être valable, le titulaire doit inscrire ses nom et prénom, coller sa photo (de face, tête nue, fond neutre, non utilisée, non scannée, non photocopiée) et apposer le rabat autocollant sur la Carte Nominative Transport.

For a valid Navigo Découverte card, the bearer must print his name and first name, attach his photo (face only, no hats, neutral background, new, not scanned, not photocopied), and place the photo under the self-adhesive cover.

At a minimum, it should be a very good quality photo.

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166 posts

We arrived in Paris on Monday at Gare Montparnasse and purchased the Navigo Decouverte card (and 1 week pass) there. I brought a couple of extra passport photos with me and they worked just fine. The customer service agent just cut them to size with scissors and we were good to go. I read online that the ticket office is right next to the metro ticket machines so luckily I knew where to go. Our wait in line was only about 10 minutes and she loaded it up for a week (Mon-Sun, all zones). We have used it all week and we love it! We've already saved $ on our ticket prices and the convenience factor alone is wonderful; it takes the stress out of buying tickets on the go. We've used buses, metro and RER, sliced bread!