I was tempted to come here and ask about all the hotels I had booked and get feedback. But I knew I needed to be a little more autonomous. So I thought I would share how I made our selection in the hopes of helping others. The truth is there are A LOT of hotels in Paris. Some part of big chains, and some small ones that are completely independent. I reviewed Rick's suggestions as well as others here on the forum about locations. We were on a RS tour that ended in Paris some years ago, and stayed in the Rue Cler neighborhood. I was neither tied to it nor wanted to avoid it. In the end, here's how I narrowed my choice:
I identified on google maps the likely spots we will be going. Taking our teen daughters who have never been, so going to all the usual places from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame. I put all the locations I could identify on a map and determined that the Louvre was the most central for our purposes. Then I thought about how exhausting it can be to walk everywhere, but also how unpleasant the metro can be (underground - no view) and determined that we could commit to walking 1 mile to a destination pretty easily. Now truthfully, in a given day we will walk miles and miles, but I just wanted to set some parameters. Then I put the destination of Paris in google maps and queried every hotel within 1 mile of the Louvre. Google autopopulates the price for the dates, so I had some expectations. I found one little hotel that had been off my radar but was idenified for being in that circle, met my criteria (rating above 4 out of 5) with air conditioning, was fully cancelable/modifiable and included breakfast) and booked 2 rooms! If I just needed one room, the budget would have allowed a lot more flexibility. But needing 2 rooms required me to really stick to my parameters. And no, I'm not going to share my hotel because I really don't want to second guess it now! :-)
I'm just sharing this because before I used this method, I literally had 7 (yes 7!) hotels reserved and was in decision paralysis! I think I often get so tied up in the "one perfect hotel" when there are so many options and variables, that I tend to overthink it - and suspect others do too. We are staying in 3 other cities while on our trip, but the Paris hotel selection had me tied up for weeks! Hopefully this strategy proves useful to others.