Is multi-day ticket worth it? Which option is best?
We don't know what ticket you are considering, or even what city/cities you are visiting. From a financial standpoint, one has to know the traveler's sightseeing plans--what he or she wants to see and how long will be spent at each sight.
Paris museums during a 4-day stay.
The Paris Museum Pass?
Depends - you have to decide what you want to see, look up their admission prices, and see if the $$ for the PMP is cheaper. Keep in mind, there's only 1 entry per museum now, can't hit the Louvre multiple times, for example.,
Rick suggested I do the math for the number of museums I would actually be visiting, and it was cheaper to do it a la carte. They weren't really that expensive, esp. in comparison to some museums I just visited in LA.
You can also buy tix in advance if you wish once you're in Paris at any FNAC store, it's like Ticketron.