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Museum Passes For Paris

We are taking our newly minted 13 year old grandson on his long promised trip to Paris. I've learned that as a devoted 13 year old, he is exempt from entrance to fees to most, if not all of the museums we wish to inflict on him in our eight day stay in late August. I've read the website and I'm still uncertain as to exactly what are the benefits of purchasing a museum pass for my wife and I. Can someone please enlighten me as I'm somewhat obtuse about this. (ask my wife). Thank you in advance..Bob Loiselle

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Add up the individual entrance fees of the museums and other sites that you want to see (that would be covered by the museum pass) . Compare that to the cost of the museum pass (for however many days you need it). Compare. For our trip in Oct, we will save enough for a decent dinner. With wine.

A side benefit is skipping the lines to purchase tickets at individual sites (although you will still have to stand in the lines for security)