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Mt Saint Michel Hotel and train recommendations

I will be in Paris for a week with my husband and we plan to go to Mont Saint Michel. Rather than doing the tour bus we thought staying on the island overnight in order to go to the abbey and hear the monks pray early would be lovely.
All the hotels on the island as well as restaurants get mixed reviews. Any suggestions you liked well enough? It’s just for one night.
Also from Paris what’s the best train bus combo to take to MSM?

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27456 posts

I believe Pontorson is the nearest train station to Mont-St-Michel. I think you'll need to change trains at Rennes. There's a bus from Pontorson to MSM but I'm not sure how frequent it is.

The SNCF website is instead proposing a TGV just to Rennes (largest city in the area) and a switch to a bus there.

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352 posts

We had wanted to do that but it was a Sunday and public transportation runs on a weekend schedule. Made the transfer to lengthy.
Make sure you look at the correct schedule.

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8 posts

Thank you! We are going mid week so i think that train option will work. Appreciate it!

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7098 posts

The options via Rennes + bus from Rennes is most convenient. SNCF will sell it as one ticket.