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Moulin Rouge. Oui ou non?

Preface: I live in Chicago and I'm a huge fan of some of Toulouse-Lautrec's paintings of the Moulin Rouge hanging in the Art Institute of Chicago. I really would like to visit the theatre.

Is the show worth it? I'm not sold on the idea of dinner, so perhaps just drinks. Recommendations?

I had thought about Au Lapin Agile, but I don't speak French and don't think I would enjoy it.

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2638 posts

I was perfectly happy just looking at the Moulin Rouge from the outside, same with Au Lapin Agile. Go to the d'Orsay, there's plenty of Lautrec paintings there, for me it was quite a satisfying array.

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8293 posts

Sure, go..... why the heck not? And if you ever get to Albi, there is a nice small Toulouse Lautrec Museum you would enjoy.

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276 posts

I felt the same way but decided to go. It was fun and I'm glad I experienced the show. We didn't do the dinner. The reviews were not stellar but we had a drink.

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2352 posts

Go and have a drink. If you don’t it was could shoulda woulda. See sacre coeur church, montemarte and the artists square, ship, people watch, glass of wine, time it so you can stop by au Lapin agile walking down hill if possible.

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8293 posts

To add to Princess P’s list (above), while you are in the area, you might enjoy the small Musee de Montmartre.

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6107 posts

Agree with Norma, Musee de Montmarte is quite good. There is a lot of Toulouse-Lautrec's paintings there. Also, I took a "Paris Walks" tour and while there was little mention of Lautrec, you learn about the area and get the "flavor" of Lautrec's environment. You should go to the Sacre Cour just for the view of Paris from the steps. You could also poke your head into Au Lapin Agile to see what it looks like and determine if you'd like to stay. That particular is corner is pretty and interesting. There is a lovely vineyard across the street with interesting history. I walked to the Moulin rouge during the day. It was fun to just see the outside. I do believe they have Matinees which I would think would be cheaper should you end up not loving it. Also, I wonder if they do any daytime tours?

Posted by
776 posts

Until the end of August the Musee de Montmartre has the exhibit Van Dongen et les artistes du Bateau-Lavoir so the Lautrecs have been put away temporarily. Exhibit is well worthwhile especially if you're planning to see the Dutch (with more Van Dongen) at the Pertit Palais.

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12205 posts

I haven't been to Moulin Rouge, I've seen it from the outside. I usually travel alone and am not likely to attend by myself. That said, I have heard from numerous actual French people that the show is really good and worth seeing.

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703 posts

The show itself is great. The meal wasn't that great. If you have an interest, by all means, go & enjoy. You can do the show & champagne which is what I'd do if we decided to go back. We've also did the show & champagne at The Lido. I liked Moulin Rouge better but my husband liked The Lido better. Either way, enjoy.