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Montmartrobus-Is the Weekly Navigo Decouverte Metro Pass accepted?

Hello. I will be in Paris this summer for 2 weeks and planning to use the Montmartrobus to avoid stairs and climbing up the hill. This bus does a route from Place Pigalle to Jules Joffrin, then from Joffrin back to Pigalle using a different routes. I have the route and stops figured out and ready to plot my course. This bus, like all RATP buses accepts the T+ tickets (carnet), that unless bought on the bus, allows a transfer, within 90 minutes, to another bus on a different line. This prevents using the same ticket to hop off and on the same line. These tickets are good for only 1 way also.
However, I will be using the Weekly Navigo Metro Pass (smart card) for unlimited use of the metro, buses, RER trains, airports, funiculars in all 5 zones for the covered week (Monday-Sunday). So if someone, that has used a Weekly Navigo Metro Pass, on the Montmartrobus or any other bus line multiple times in the same day, would please answer my questions I would be very grateful.
1) Does the Montmartrobus accept the Weekly Navigo Metro Pass smart card?

2) Is Place Pigalle, both the start and end of the Montmartobus line? Does getting on at Pigalle allow me to stay on at Joffrin without having to exit? In other words, can I do a round-trip without exiting at either 'end"?

If the answer to #1 is NO, then you can ignore the following questions!!
3) Since the Weekly Pass allows unlimited rides, I should be able to get off at any stop along the route and get on again at the same or any other route's stop, swiping my Pass to continue? Based on the same-line transfer rule, my Pass should be charged individual rides for each hop off and on, but I don't care since I have unlimited rides, correct?
4) If my understanding is correct, then I could create a hop-on, hop-off, round-trip route without having to pay any more than the Pass's weekly cost?
Thanks so much. Fran

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776 posts

Question 2:

The Montmartrobus goes the way of the Dodo bird in the great bus reshuffle of April 20, 2019. Its route will be taken up by the #40. One end point of the route is rue Le Peletier. The other remains Jules Joffrin. The route map of the new #40 is available at the RATP website.

I don't use public transportation enough to use anything except carnets. Sorry

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43 posts

Thanks so much. There is no mention of that change anywhere I read about the Montmartrobus. Fran

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43 posts

Bus 40 route will change as of April 20 to include all the stops of the Montmartrobus. The only change I found, from it's current route, was that since Pigalle is no longer the beginning point, the bus will only be stopping there on the return route from Jules Joffrin. So unless, someone else knows differently, I will assume that bus 40 does now and will accept in the future the Weekly Navigo Metro Pass Smart Card (answer to Question 1).

With that assumption in mind, if someone who has used the Weekly Pass on any bus line, could answer my last 2 questions I would appreciate it.
BTW: The Montmartrobus was not listed at all on the Interactive Map online. This Map lists indicating all intercity buses and their status (new, deleted, changed) as of April 20. So thanks again for telling me about Bus 40.

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8784 posts

The pass is good on any public transport in the Ile de France except the TGV. It is even good for the Montmartre funnicular. It is not good on private transport like the miniature train on Montmartre or some of the airport shuttle buses or alas the Orlyval.

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755 posts

As Janet said, yes to question 3 and yes to question 4. Hop away! Have a great trip, and you’re very smart to plan out Montmartre that way.

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43 posts

Great. Thanks for everyone's help. Fran