We (2 adult women) will be in Mont Saint Michel on Saturday/Sunday May 9/10 (yes, we know it would be better to avoid the weekend but this is how our available vacation days laid out). We plan on reserving Abbey tickets online as soon as they become available and will visit in the late afternoon (3pm-6pm).
We have reservations off the island at Les Vieilles Digues (from Rick’s guidebook). I’m hoping someone who has stayed there can speak to the location on the main road. Specifically:
is it safe to walk along the road (there don’t appear to be any sidewalks at this section - narrow shoulder) to/from the shuttle buses/bridge to the island? Google says 8 minutes walk; distance is fine just don’t want to get hit by a car or bus.
is it safe to walk from the inn to Le Ferme restaurant - basically the same walk but it will be dark/in the evening (we made a 7:30pm reservation) or should we drive (2 minutes) as the restaurant has a private free parking lot?
Thanks in advance for your insights!