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Mont Saint Michel - buy ahead tickets?

We're going to be in the area for 4 nights. While we won't be stopped by the expected rain and cool, we'd kind of like to wait and visit Mont Saint Michel on the better weather forecast day, and see the Bayeux Tapestry on the day we expect the poorest weather. (Yes, we know it's still a possibility a forecast isn't accurate!) We will be there the end of May. Anyone had any issues with not booking MSM ahead?

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1208 posts

Unless you need a hotel, there is nothing to book at MSM ahead of time. If you mean a hotel, you will need a reservation well before any sort of accurate weather forecast.

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46 posts

Was just concerned about visiting the island and the Abbey. We're already booked for a stay in Bayeux. Good to hear pre-book isn't that important. Thanks.

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148 posts

We prebooked tickets to the abbey last year mid June at 4 pm. That gave us enough time to walk through and look at the architecture and views before they closed. It was late enough that the tour groups were leaving as we were entering and it wasn't crowded inside the abbey. I had the impression that tickets were available at that time of day, but maybe not in the middle of the day. You might be able to see how many tickets are remaining for each time slot on their website.