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Mona Lisa

Recent comments in various post have touched on the Mona Lisa. Some even questioned if it is 'great art' or something like the Kardashians, famous for being famous.

If you missed the PBS broadcast program, NOVA ( season 46, episode21) the link above should get it for those interested

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12315 posts

Great show and definitely great art. At Clos Luce they said Leonardo didn't bring much with him when he moved to Amboise. One thing he did pack was the Mona Lisa.

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12 posts

(No flame war please)

Kardashians.... famous, very famous, but what substance?

Da Vinci’s works are from another planet. Nuff said. Yea the Mona Lisa is small and looked quite dull in color .... nothing like the vibrant pics on the web.... but just like The Last Supper, there is something truly magical when seeing it in person, and it has nothing to do with it being famous.

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10778 posts

Though Da Vinci's work is stunning, there is definitely a famous for being famous quality to the Mona Lisa ever since it was stolen in 1911 and Picasso and Apollinaire were accused of the theft. How else can one explain the long lines to see it and take selfies, when other stunning da Vinci paintings are hanging in the next gallery ignored. Or, how many of those in line have sought out any of the other da Vinci paintings, including the magnificent Portrait of Ginevra Benci in the D.C. National Gallery of Art. Viewers can get up next to it with no line for free to appreciate the beauty of the work.

Posted by
2835 posts

Thanks for posting Joe, I missed this in the PBS line up! I have seen the Mona Lisa in person, long ago, and wished I had seen this beforehand (I was underwhelmed). On the other hand, I had the joy of seeing his "Lady with Ermine" painting in Krakow and had one of my most memorable moments with art...just me and the painting (and the security guard). Magical.