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Moderately Priced AirBnBs in Marais in Paris

Looking for a moderately priced 1 bedroom )not a studio) in either the Latin Quarter or Marais for two adults.

Posted by
151 posts

It would help a great deal if you give us a little more info. What is "moderately priced" in hard cash? At least a range. Moderate means different things to everyone.

Also, many terrific apartments are on the third or fourth floors, even fifth sometimes, with no elevator. How many flights of stairs are you willing to climb (and keep in mind, the first floor is what Americans call the second floor and so on).

Are there any other dealbreakers that we should know about??

Posted by
104 posts

Moderate for us is between $150 and $250 per night. Willing to climb 4 flights of stairs.

Posted by
1124 posts

What time of year are you considering? That would affect price. $150.00 (or euros) is pretty low for that area. I suggest looking at and entering your parameters (date, price range, area, lodging type, etc.) to get an idea. You don't have to book through them, but they are pretty accurate on price and their customer reviews are all from people who have stayed at the places (unlike Trip Advisor) so are more reliable.

Posted by
19502 posts

When I heard that was low I was surprised so just for grins I took a look. Yes, expensive but you should be able to find an Airbnb uner $250. I see them listed at least. But you get what you pay for and not sure what your expectations are. I am guessing on your budget a 250 to 350 sf studio with a sofa bed. Better and larger as you move further from the river. Crazy prices.

Posted by
16 posts

In case you are not aware, there is a limited number of legal apartment rentals in Paris. So something to be careful about when renting thru AirBnB if registration numbers are not listed. I believe that is one of the reasons why prices are so high.

I have a trip planned for Feb (off season) and one of my struggles, even for that month, was finding an apartment that was not too far away and not too expensive. It was not easy, but I ended up with a small studio. For myself, I didn't want to risk renting an illegal apartment and potentially not having a place to stay last minute, etc. etc. which made the search even more difficult.

Posted by
576 posts

And be careful even if the registration numbers are listed. Because they’re only so many days owner can rent and when they hit that number, they will just cancel you and you have no way of knowing how many days the unit has been rented or if the number is even legal number. I use reputable agencies now instead of Airbnb because a good agent will find you a new place to sleep where Airbnb is going to send you your money back.

Posted by
19502 posts

You mean the vast majority of the airbnb owners book more than the legal number of rooms?

Who is your agency?