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Military presence at Chateau Chambord today

We were at Chambord today and saw about 8 military personnel in full combat gear walking the grounds. It was quite unnerving. Does this have something to do with the current situation in Gaza/Israel? We fly back to the US on Friday. Should we expect more time for security?

Posted by
2043 posts

This is just something the French have been doing for several years now. You will see military patrols at all major trains stations as well. For example. It is just France's version of security theatre.

Posted by
919 posts

from a news report (CNN): "France is one of a number of European nations, including the United Kingdom and Germany, where security measures have been stepped up amid fears of reprisals against members of the Jewish communities."

I can't speak to your experience, but I remember in past years stretching back through decades, seeing military presence guarding El Al when they had a physical presence in Paris and seeing military guards at a market day in a small town in Normandy after "incidents" elsewhere in the world. It was startling since we don't typically see this type attire and automatic weapons used by guards in the US.

Hopefully, one of the French resident posters will explain typical procedures to us!

edit: cross post with above

Posted by
3060 posts

Europe has a component of those in sympathy with the Palestinians. I would feel much better seeing military forces in places I was touring.

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23447 posts

I think it is more typical to see fully armed troops at check point and elsewhere in Europe than in the US. We seldom see fully armed (helmet, vests, automatic rifles, etc.) troops except when a SWAT team is involved. US police tend to be less heavily armed. In Europe there is a tendency to make heavier usage of the military in domestic situations. So for a lot of US tourists the sight of heavily armed police and or military is a bit more concerning. So I don't attach much to seeing heavily armed troops.

Posted by
15443 posts

All sensitive locations that could be targets of terrorism, including Jewish sites such as schools and synagogues, tourist sights, major churches, are guarded by heavily armed military personnel throughout Europe, especially at times of international tensions such as now.

Posted by
786 posts

Chambord is a government office owned by the French state, and has a Guard Républicain base. It's on the left of the main entrance as you approach the chateau. It has been there about 80 years, I believe. The base has an office and stables (and probably a load of other stuff as well)

Usually the Guard can be seen riding their horses in the grounds, but you occasionally see a 4 or 6 person patrol in combats as well.

Posted by
9106 posts

In my experience it's a common at popular locations across France. There were army patrols at Versailles my last trip.

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14580 posts

I saw something quite similar in July in Paris, a squad of fully combat outfitted soldiers (6-7) checking out a building across from the train station , can't remember which one, (Lyon or Montpanasse). I was in a restaurant across the street. What surprised me in witnessing these guys was their numbers, ie, that an entire squad was sent to this building instead of the usual 2-3 you normally see.

These were not police of any sort but regular military in "full combat gear." Patrolling in the train stations or just standing around you saw this summer security personnel of all types, SNCF, private company, gendarmerie, and regular military , one of whom standing at an entrance I passed through had on the patch of the Foreign Legion.

Posted by
127 posts

Interesting post on a question I have. Currently in Paris and I remarked to my husband it seems like less military/ or none at all around popular sights (Louvre etc) in years past, It felt I saw military soldiers all the time (appreciated of course)

Posted by
381 posts

We were in Paris the first week of September and twice saw groups of 3-5 fully decked out in military gear walking the streets, not really close to a major tourist attraction. Our attitude - thanks for the visibility and for keeping us safe!