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Mid-October Villefranche-sur-Mer, Antibes, or Nice stay?

We are a family of three looking to make a home base ( 4 nights) in either VSM, Antibes, or Nice in mid-October and will be relying on public transportation. At the moment, VSM is first choice but I'm concerned that being there off-season could mean less train/bus service. Can anyone advise?

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27623 posts

I'm not sure how much bus service originates in Villefranche or Antibes as opposed to Nice, so I kind of doubt that the location will make a difference from the standpoint of bus frequency.

What potentially might matter is that most of the buses seem to fan out from Nice, so if you take a day-trip to a place not on the rail line and are staying elsewhere, you may have to start by hopping on a train to Nice. This is a common trade-off for those using public transportation. I'm big on museums (Nice has at least 6 art museums), so I normally stay in the largest city in the area I'm visiting. That gives me more to do locally and usually connects me to the most convenient transportation for day-trips. However, plenty of folks don't spend that much time in museums and like the atmosphere of smaller towns.

Both Villefranche and Antibes are very nice.

You need not wonder about the frequency of rail service in October. The SNCF schedule extends at least that far:

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11500 posts

With only four nights Nice would be an easier to visit Antibes and Villefranche. Nice has excellent transportation options along the coast. If not Nice, then charming Antibes would be my next choice. Villefranche is nice but cruise ships have moored there in the past. I would check out that possibility before considering staying there.

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464 posts

We stayed in Villefranche sur Mer from Oct. 11-18 in 2014 and used both buses and trains. We loved Villefranche sur Mer and went back another year. It became one of our favorite destinations. October was a lovely time to be there. Cruise ships were not a problem. Most passengers head out for other locations as soon as they arrive.

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439 posts


We were there several years ago at the end of Oct. We stayed in VSM, I loved it. It was a bit quieter than Nice. Unfortunately did not make it to Antibes. We took a taxi from the Airport to VSM upon arrival. Spent most of that day, just walking around the town and the Rothchild mansion. The next day we took the train to Monaco, spent the day there. Day after, we took a train back to Nice, stored our luggage at the train station, saw most of Nice, flew back to Paris for our return to the US. I couldn't get an open jaw arriving in Paris, returning to JFK from Nice. It was tail end of the season so places did have shorter hours and some closing. However, since there aren't as many tourists, you move around easier.

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385 posts

Nice was a wonderful surprise. The museums, waterfront promenade and market/restaurants near the water. Using bus or train all the other places are available for day trips. Monaco was our least favorite, but I can add it as one more country visited😀 The Italian food was very good as you are right by Italy.

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705 posts

It really depends on what you are seeking, and to an extent how mobile you are. Be aware that the train station in VsM is near the water, and the village is built into the hill. The bus lines do require a walk uphill. Choose carefully the location in Antibes -- the train station is a bit further away from the old town (and the central bus area), and the side with the best beaches further still. Nice has the best transport links with fewer connections, greater options overall, but is a city.