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metro pass in Paris

Hi forum: we are finally about to depart after long planning this amazing trip for our daughter's high school graduation. Thanks again for all your help so far. At this point, one detail we are still torn about is transportation. When last in Paris we took the RER into the city and easily navigated the metro system. We are game for this again, but trying to figure out the best plan for metro tickets. We have read about the cards and i am just not clear if they are like a DC metro smart pass where we get a card and load a certain amount of money on it or is it by ride? We will be traveling with 7 and are completely comfortable navigating metros, just want to buy the right thing. We will be using the metro quite a bit i think, if that helps at all. We arrive Monday and leave for Italy on Saturday. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

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8194 posts

your best choice depends on your dates. If much of the trip is in one week Mon-Sun then the Navigo Decouverte which covers all 5 zones and includes the airport. People under age 26 can buy very good value day passes on Sat or Sun called Ticket Jeune.

If over a weekend then the Navigo Easy which allows either day passes (rarely but sometimes worth doing) and t+ metro tickets. They cost 2 Euro and you can load carnet of tickets at a discount. Ticket Jeune weekend day passes can be loaded on these as well as full price day passes.

There are no passes that contain money and are 'topped up' -- only passes with unlimited rides, or that contain individual tickets.

From the airport take a cab: a cab to the left bank for 7 would be about 75 Euro -- 62 for the first 4 and 4 each (maybe 4.50) for the each of the last 3. To the right bank it would be about 68 Euro. the train would cost: about 79 Euro and then you have to schlep luggage up and down metro stairs and find your lodging on foot.

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8194 posts

If you are arriving Monday and Leaving Saturday then get the Navigo Decouverte for everyone -- 5 Euro card with photo 25/30 mm -- Bring those with you. You can print them on your computer. Buy the card kit and assemble at CDG and all travel for the week if handled. They cover the trips into the city from the airport on the RER. The weekly pass will be 30 Euro per person.

Or take the cab into the city and then get everyone a Navigo Easy with 10 t+ tickets at a discount and add more if needed. Anyone under 10 i.e. 9 and under can get the carnet of t+ tickets at half price. Children's tickets are for thos 4-9 years old.

I'd get the ND with these dates.

Posted by
852 posts

i agree with Jane - the ND weekly is really super cheap and very, very flexible.

Also, is a great resource, too.

You can easily by the actual card and get the pass at CDG.

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1 posts

Great questions and answers here! A couple more, please. Can Navigo Easy work in Apple Wallet (tap-to-pay)? If so, will this work in airplane mode? THANKS!

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9813 posts

For Lisa, yes the Navigo Découverte Semaine is perfect for you with your days.

Make sure to take printed photos of all seven people -- they can even be photocopies on copier paper -- just something so everyone has an "i.d." photo.

To the previous poster, no you can not put a Navigo Easy on Apple Wallet. You have to buy a Navigo Easy card for 2€ and then purchase tickets to load on to it.

Posted by
1386 posts

Paris by Train,, offers good info.

My trips are always planned on a week basis, so I have been using my Navigo Decourverte card for the past 8 years. Tried to get a new version this past August, but the attendant said, "No, you still have 2 years on it, renew it when you return". She also told me even if it's expired on my return to bring it and I won't be charged the 5 Euros for the new card if turning in the old one.

Enjoy your trip.

Posted by
74 posts

A Warning if you plan to get a NaviGo découverte pass. Sometimes the lines at the machines are very long. I have one and I thought I would just replenish at the airport, but all the lines were incredibly long, so my friend and I ended up taking a taxi to our apartment in the 3rd. Most of the larger metro stops will have a live agent and you can buy your pass at the window. Maybe things have changed and you can initially load your NaviGo Découverte at the machines but I wouldn’t want to rely on that.

Also, if you haven’t dealt with this process before, you can search for videos on using the Paris Metro on YouTube. Some of them are quite helpful. Just look for the most recent one.

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2586 posts

If you already have a Navigo card (Découverte or Easy), you can recharge the card with any smartphone, a credit card link, and either the bonjour RATP app or the Île-de-France Mobilité app.

No need to stand in the kiosk line.