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Mercantour in early April?

Does anyone have experience at the Parc du Mercantour? We're aiming to go in the first week of April, and I'm wondering if it will be still to snowy to hike, even on the lower parts. Also curious where to stay that is close to the parc, any advice? Thanks so much!

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10513 posts

April is tricky. I've been there only in summer. Tende is one starting point for people.
The Gorges du Verdon are dry and hopefully sunny in April. I've been there in March

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7259 posts

Early April is almost definitely not a good time to go; even the lower areas (e.g. Le Boréon) are still at about 1,800 metres of elevation. If not still snowy, then definitely muddy. There is a lot of snow at the moment in the area (more than in the northern Alps).