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men's jeans in Provence

Is it appropriate for an older man to wear jeans to a mid class restaurant
(or even low high-end). We are going to Provence in September. Merci!

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965 posts

I am in my 60s, and I only pack and wear travel style khakis or cargo style long pants with zippered pockets (I find that jeans are the least "secure" pants for carrying cell phone, etc., in terms of pockets).

Not sure what you mean by 'low high end' but I feel perfectly well dressed at sit down restaurants, but I am not exactly dining at fancy Michelin starred joints, either.

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603 posts

Yes, men in France dress just like men in the United States and they were blue jeans. It will be fine.

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8449 posts

Jeans are the standard uniform of the French as much as of Americans. ON any metro most of the people you can see will be wearing jeans (if not tights or athletic pants) Khakis are out of place in France; everyone is in jeans. At fancy restaurants people will throw on a jacket but mid range you are probably fine in a sweater or shirt sleeves.

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302 posts

As an "older man" who lives in France, I can confirm that denim jeans are quite common in France and, as long as they are in good condition, are what one will see even in quite nice restaurants. Other solid-colored casual trousers (tan, khaki, blue, pink, mustard yellow, and so on) also are common. Of course, you'll see suits and guys wearing pants and blazers, especially where office workers dine for lunch.

Prints are less common but occasionally you'll see someone wearing them. Never sure if they're trying to be funny or not, but they're pretty rare.

If you wish, go to Galeries Lafayette's website or some lower-cost vendors such as Vib's or Kiabi and search for men's trousers and jeans. They sell what people buy and you'll see what is typically worn.

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10526 posts

The inconvenience you may find is that jeans can be hot, they are heavy, they take a long time to air dry after washing and they take up more room packing. Otherwise, they’re fine.

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10554 posts

One can wear jeans many times between washes. It would be easy to spot clean if necessary. I wouldn’t sink wash them, but when I wash jeans in a washer and hang them they are usually dry within 24 hours. We always travel with jeans.

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482 posts

Levis website says "trianually". Is that 3 times a year or every 3 years?

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8449 posts

Dark jeans -- I wear black myself -- can be worn a long time between washes and are easily dried in a drier. Laundromats are plentiful in France if an apartment doesn't have a US style dryer. One apartment we rent only has a washer and I just take the wet laundry to a nearby laundromat and it takes less than half an hour to dry everything. I can do two months in France with two pair of black jeans which can be alternated.

Jeans are great in cool and cold weather. I would switch to linen or other lightweight fabric in summer and you will see plenty of men in shorts during the day -- and in casual restaurants.