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Meeting place in Chartes?

My wife and I will be arriving by car in Chartres on Saturday. Our son will also be arriving by car, and we are looking for a convenient place where we might meet to get something to eat and walk around town.

Any suggestions?
thank you,

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8063 posts

I am a big fan of meeting places that are at least mildly interesting rather than standing somewhere waiting. e.g. my friends and I often meet at the gift shop of museums so the first person there can putter around while waiting. Why not meet at the cathedral? You can then walk out to explore for a cafe from there.

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1337 posts

You could meet at Café Serpente that is right next to the cathedral (when looking at it, it's directly to the right. Hard to miss an a view that is life altering.

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281 posts

This is funny. We were just in Chartres today. 10 years ago we were there during Pentecost and the pilgrims fully engulfed the cathedral and even though that was an experience in itself, we really didn't get to enjoy it like we did today. With that said, we ate at La Cafe de Serpente. It was a good enough restaurant. It also took us to a different perspective of the cathedral. Anyway, in front of the cathedral there is a a big plaza that is a perfect meeting spot. You don't even need a map to find the cathedral. Just look for the tall spires. I can't help you with a parking area since we took the train.

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7 posts

Thank you for the great and timely responses.
We have made reservations for the Cafe Serpente and look forward to meeting there!
Thanks again!