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Markets in Paris

Are there any markets in Paris - like the Cours Saleya market in Nice, or the market in Annecy? That’s one of my husband’s favorite things to do!

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8812 posts

There are weekly markets in various parts of the city every day except Monday. Some of the larger ones e.g. Richard Lenoir/Bastille, Edgar Quiinet, Belleville and August Blanqui meet 2 or 3 days a week. And there are market streets open every day except Monday like Mouffetard and Montorgueil.

for bargains markets and market streets in less central areas are better. e.g I paid about half at the Belleville market as I had paid for similar things at the Bastille market. And Mouffetard and Montorgueil are mostly tourists these days and all the kinds of shops that pop up when a place caters to tourists.

For flea markets, you won't get any bargains but there are lots of interesting things to see at St. Ouen. The smaller Vavin market is more manageable. Weekends. For actual bargains street garage sales i.e. Vides Greniers are where it's at. I got 4 lovely champagne flutes for our collection for 15 Euro at one in Batignolles last year. That said, there was not another thing in the market I wanted. Like any garage sale, mostly junk. You find these by reading announcements posted on poles etc.

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232 posts

Thank you for your replies! I had searched online but didn’t see these sites! So helpful!

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378 posts

A must for me: Marche d'Aligne: books, stuff, clothes, jewelry, and an indoor food market that is fabulous! I found a gorgeous red cashmere coat, grey collar and russian label. After an investigation found the label changed around 1960. I was in such excellent condition I believe it might have been in a closet for years! I live in a Mexican beach town but travel for a month in November (for my birthday) and always try to go somewhere where I can wear my beautiful red coat! I also bought a couple of pairs of low heeled boats, shoes and small odds and ends. I love it!

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232 posts

Thank you - those websites were most helpful. It looks like most of the markets are on a weekday when we won’t be there, or on a Saturday. So I have flipped my schedule to be able to visit the markets on the day we visit the Eiffel Tower and Invalides. There are 2 right in that area. Thanks for our forum who never let us down!!

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8812 posts

markets close around 1 on Sunday and are all closed on Monday. Market streets also close down on Monday and Sunday afternoon although I noticed quite a few shops on Montorgueil open on Sunday -- as it has become more a tourist street than an authentic market street for locals.

Monday is a problem day for small touristy towns as well. They tend to lock up tight on Mondays, so as you travel you need to take this into consideration. You won't notice an issue in Paris except for markets, but in small towns pretty much everything closes up on Mondays.