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6113 posts

It’s all speculation until Tuesday.

France’s population is about the same as the U.K. Positive Covid cases in France, whilst increasing are currently at around a quarter of the U.K. daily rate. There are no travel restrictions for the U.K.

Posted by
16039 posts

Stop guessing what is going to happen. We went through "speculating" months ago much of which never occurred.

Justcwait and see what is said.

Posted by
10515 posts

It is rising, Kay, and some places are reimposing masks, but it's pretty stable here. The TV pundits speculate whether he'll require boosters in certain sectors of the population, everyone, or ? In any case, the use of the Pass has been extended for many months to come. That's the game-changer along with masking.

There won't be any shut downs. I was at the symphony in a totally sold out concert hall last weekend. Everyone was masked and had the Pass. It's a different scenario.

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16039 posts

Most places have been diligent about the mask and checking for the pass.

However, today in Toulouse, I went to a very popular restaurant for lunch (I waited on line for 45 minutes to get in. ) About halfway through the meal I realized...none of the wait staff or hostesses were wearing masks. It came to my attention because my server started coughing. I also observed what I think was a manager putting clean cutlery into a drawer and grabbing them by the part you put in your mouth. They did at least check my pass upon entering.

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10028 posts

Just FYI, the law governing the use of the pass sanitaire allows for people who *must * have pass sanitaire for their job (such as those serving the public, including wait staff) to NOT have to wear a mask if the establishment so decides.

So those servers in Toulouse are acting within the law.

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16039 posts

Thanks, Kim. I asked at my hotel and they said masks were required. I guess they were wrong.

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10028 posts

Yeah it’s a rather obscure provision, and I don’t know how many places are taking advantage of it. I only know about it because my husband’s work discussed it (although they decided to keep their servers masked).

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10515 posts

And he said that those over 65 have to get a booster by December 15 or our Passes will become invalid.

Though it will take time for rules for visitors to be announced, logically I would assume that 1) if you are coming to France after December 15, and 2) if you are 65 or over, 3) you should get your booster at least two weeks before coming to cover all possibilities. This is my conclusion. Nothing has been announced.

The rest was about internal policy Not related to C-19 and wouldn't concern visitors.

Posted by
10028 posts

In the end, the only Covid-focused part of his speech tonight was a call to those who haven't gotten vaccinated to do so, and the news that the French will require you to have a booster shot in order to keep your pass sanitaire valid.

They will roll this out by age group (since they are rolling the booster campaign out by age group).

Right now, those 65 and older are eligible for boosters; therefore, by December 15, they will be required to have a third dose to keep their pass sanitaire valid.

In December, they will open third doses to the 50-to-64-year old age group, and then at whatever point after (Jan 15? Feb 15?), those in that age will HAVE to prove they received a booster dose to keep their pass sanitaire valid.

And so on and so on.

Posted by
274 posts

Thanks so much Kim and Bets for keeping us non-French-speaking travelers updated!

We leave for France next week and everyone in our party (even though all younger than 65) went ahead and got our boosters. Sounds like we won’t need to update our passes, but glad we have them anyway.

Posted by
16039 posts

Thank you Bets & Kim.

We'll just have to wait and see how the booster requirements will affect tourists. Oh, who am I kidding. The speculations and "I thinks" will soon begin.

Posted by
104 posts

Kim- I am traveling at the end of December. Silly question but, do you expect any slim chance I might need the booster to keep my pass valid (40 years old)? I don’t want to be caught off guard! Thank you in advance!

Posted by
10028 posts

Danielle — no. They won't make it a requirement for people that young yet. If they are only doing it for 65 and up in mid-December, no way they will make it required for 40 and up until sometime in the New Year. (And first they will have to create the deadline for the 50-to-64-year-old tranche. You are a way down the list.)

Posted by
10515 posts

Kerouac2's situation resolved : it's been reported that a gov spokesperson said on radio this morning that you have 6 months plus five weeks from the date of your second vaccination to get the booster before someone flips a switch and your Pass goes poof.

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10028 posts

Nope - no vaccinations yet for children 11 and younger.