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Lyon in September. Need help deciding which area of the city to stay in

We will be in Lyon for the first time 9/9-15 and are looking to stay in an airbnb in the city, as we need 2 bedrooms. Which area would be (have heard horror stories about pick pockets and others hassling people at the Part Dieu train station), walking distance to main sights during the day as well as restaurants in the evenings. No car. Public transportation, Ubers, or on foot is how we plan to get around. Its all about the sightseeing and the food for this stop on our trip.
I have read the 6th arr, Vieux Lyon and the Presqu'ile are all nice. Not interested in neighborhoods with noisy bars, discos, etc.

If anyone has been there recently and can give me some first hand info that would be wonderful. I've been looking at guidebooks and travel blogs.
Thanks in advance.

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6713 posts

Last fall I stayed in a hotel next to the Place des Celestins, a short walk from the Bellecour Metro in one direction and the Saone in another, with Vieux Lyon right across the river. There were lots of restaurants in the neighborhood, though probably not the high-end ones you're interested in. (I don't know that any area has a particular concentration of those.)

I was in and out of Part Dieux several times, never noticed anything unsafe or unsavory, but areas around stations are usually not the best to stay in unless being close to the train is important. I suggest that you look for a place in Presque Ile that's convenient to a Metro station. The Metro system is very good, you probably won't need to use taxis.

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8447 posts

We have walked around Part Dieu and to the Les Halles Paul Bocuse for lunch and never noted anything challenging. Pickpockets operate by stealth wherever crowds gather an particularly in touristy cities. They are not a safety risk; you must in Europe not be a walking buffet for pickpockets so no wallets in pockets or carelessly held purses or backpacks. Unlike, say Florida, your chances of being shot or mugged are very very low. Staying near the station would not be convenient to most things you will want to see and do though. We took the train to Bellecour and then walked to our hotel.

If you get a hotel in the center of the peninsula you can walk anywhere in central Lyon. there is a foot bridge over the Soane to old town and it is easy to wander and see the traboules all over the city. We stayed near Place Jacobins which was excellent for getting around but I can't recommend the hotel we used.

We got a multi ride transport ticket but ended up not using it except to and from the train station as we walked everywhere.

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2716 posts

Look for spots available on the old city side of the footbridge mentioned above and you will be close to, but not right in the midst of, the cafe terrace action and within walking distance of great restaurants museums etc.
If you want more upscale restaurants then stay in Presquile (sp?)

I you really want to go avant garde (for a tourist) then stay up on the Croix Rousse hill and become a temporary regular at their farmer's market.