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Louvre Night visit ticket help

I have heard Louvre night visit , it seems like that is only available on Friday now.
What is good amount of time to spend at Louvre? I was thinking around 5:30 pm entrance, would that be enough? And is night time way less crowded than day time or not much big difference since it will be first week of Aug. during peak summer ?
What are the must places we need to stop in Louvre other than Mona Lisa, of course ?
In the official website, there is a section for " guided tour" and It looks like there is no guided tour on the day we want to go.
To be able to have full experience, is it better to have guided tour? or just having audio guide and stop places on our own ( of course will stop famous/important places based on research) will be enough?


Posted by
2591 posts

Check out Rick’s Paris book. He has a self guided Louvre tour and describes the highlights. He also has an audio tour you can download.

How much time you need is up to you. We spent about two hours there with our two teens. That was plenty for them. Or you could spend several days, exploring the miles of exhibits.

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8730 posts

Note that they start rolling up the museum a half hour before closing. At closing everyone is on the street, so knock a half hour off of the closing time in planning your visit.

NOte also that some galleries are closed during night openings so if there is something you really care about, you might not be able to see it.

Posted by
32 posts

Thanks everyone.

Where can I find downloadable audio tour on Rick's book?
We just want to see some highlighted area like Mona Lisa and Greek areas so I guess at least area where Mona Lisa is won't be closed in the night.

Posted by
28592 posts

There may be other options, but I downloaded the Rick Steves Audio Europe app (from the Google Play Store) and then selected a bunch of walking tours and podcasts related to my destinations.

Posted by
8730 posts

The Mona Lisa is always available -- the other areas it is a toss up. We have been there when the Egyptian collection was closed in an evening and also when the Northern European section was closed -- Vermeer, Holbein, Rembrandt etc.

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1405 posts

The secret is no longer a secret----people flock to see the Louvre at night. Last time I went there were way to many people there to make it enjoyable.

This is the first year in a long time I'm opting not to renew my Louvre membership.