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Louvre museum ticket through viator ?


We did tried to book individual tickets for our visit in April in advance through the official Louvre site but the tickets are all sold out to due Easter break.

Our options are to buy a timed entry through viator (cost is not a factor for us)

Has anyone bough a Louvre museum ticket through viator ? When we spoke with customer service they said we get a voucher initially and 15 days before our visit they send the actual tickets.
Is this legit ? Do the tickets have actually timed entry or is it just a scam ?

Many Thanks

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10844 posts

Edit from below so it's easy to find:

They are available on the FNAC website. Phred's suggestion was excellent.

The FNAC is a very large, reputable electronics store, so you shouldn't be hesitant to use it.

French spring break doesn't even start until April 9th. But, this is the "organized school trip" period for students from not only France but all over Europe. Because I have never seen a period with all reservations sold out, I called the Louvre and talked a customer service representative. He said that time slots are not released all at once (like at the Eiffel Tower) but that reservation are released a few at a time and to keep checking back. I would certainly give it another week or two, checking back at different times of day before buying from a dealer who has marked up the price.

However, this brings up another point: are museum tickets being swept up and resold at a higher price by dealers the way concert tickets are? Or, are these group tour tickets?

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35 posts

Thanks so much. We were surprised as well. I shall keep checking.

We had thoughts too that are agents taking all these tickets and reselling at a higher price


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115 posts

Well. I don't know why I didn't think to check tickets for the Louvre, because I had such a heck of a time getting tickets for the Eiffel Tower, but yeah they're completely sold out when we're there too. First week of April.

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35 posts

I looked at eiffel tower tickets the day they were released and got only the 11 pm ones. Now we are thinking is it even worth going up at that hour
Good Luck

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2787 posts

are museum tickets being swept up and resold at a higher price by dealers the way concert tickets are?

Absolutely, Viator is famous for doing just this.

I got the museum pass

There have been a number of stories from those with a museum pass, who were not able to get a reservation for le Louvre.