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Louvre Carrousel Entrance (Timed tickets or not)

Hello all,

We will be in Paris the 2nd week of October this year, and we are planning to hit the Louvre on Wednesday morning, October 10. The plan is to take the metro to the Palais Royal Musée du Louvre train station and then enter the Louvre via the underground Carrousel entrance. It has been well documented that this line is shorter than the Pyramid entrance.

So the million dollar question is this. Should we buy timed tickets on the Louvre website ahead of time? Or should we just buy our tickets at the ticket machines, after entering the Carrousel entrance?

I know this question has been asked before in some form or another. However, I have read through those threads on this forum, and they only make me more confused. My fear is that buying the timed tickets forces us to enter through the Pyramid entrance.

If we are definitely entering through the underground Carrousel entrance, does it hurt to have the timed tickets (bought on the Louvre website)? If not, then I probably will just buy them ahead of time to avoid any potential wait at the ticket machines. Can someone please confirm that the timed Louvre tickets will get us into the Carrousel entrance? Any information or clarification on this matter would be much appreciated.


Posted by
662 posts

You don't mention the rest of your visit to Paris, but if you are visiting additional museums you might benefit from the Paris Museum Pass. I can verify that the Carrousel entrance will admit people with the Museum Pass (not the same as a Paris Pass).

Posted by
89 posts

We got the Museum Pass and the employee/guard at the carrousel entrance would not let us in through that entrance. He told us we had to enter from the pyramid entrance where we were then directed to the line for Museum pass holders. I too had hoped to go through the carrousel entrance, but the pyramid entry ended up not taking much time.

Posted by
8805 posts

Did you try to buck the line or something there. In all my entrances at the Carrousel (like a couple of dozen) no one has ever looked at pass or ticket because no ticket is required to go through security. There is no point waiting in the longer passholder line rather than using the shorter lined entrance. Maybe you showed the pass and so he directed you to the pass line. Or maybe things have changed.

Posted by
89 posts

Janet: There was no line at the carrousel entrance. I have no idea why he didn’t let us through. Maybe on that morning, they weren’t letting anyone through that entrance for some reason.

Posted by
15156 posts

The lines are not always shorter at the Carrousel entrance. A couple of times last year (May and September) there were lines back down the hall by the shops and one of the times there was a pylon stating 45 minutes from this point. I had the pass so I went upstairs for the Museum Pass line which was pretty short.

Posted by
2 posts

Hi everyone,

I am not interested in the museum pass. Could someone please confirm that the timed tickets will get us into the Carrousel entrance? Or will they force us to use the Pyramid entrance?


Posted by
220 posts

I bought my timed tickets the other day (leaving next week). The directions on the ticket say:

Please, go to the "Visitors with Tickets" entrance (greenflag)

On the website, it also says:

The ticket purchased online is time-stamped and nominative, an identity document may be demanded.
It is valid only for the chosen service, date and time. It is not a queue jump but gives access to the pyramid within half an hour of the time shown on the ticket. If the holder of the print@home ticket does not arrive within the allocated time slot for admission to the pyramid, they are subject to the same admission and waiting conditions as visitors without tickets.

I plan on going through the pyramid.


Posted by
8805 posts

I have had a timed ticket and entered at the Carrousel. No one there cares what ticket you have; you don't even need a ticket. If you try to show a timed ticket they might direct you to the Pyramid line as that is the place where timed tickets for security line entrance are honored. I just went through the short line and in and showed up for my timed entry to a special exhibit at the right time later. You can enter at the Carrousel because you want to go to the bookstore or have lunch or shop or whatever -- making it through security doesn't get you into the museum. The tickets are checked at the entrances to each of the 3 wings and you can come and go all day.

Posted by
10836 posts

Indeed, if it's a day that they are expecting a lot of groups, the Carousel entrance will be shut to everyone except members of the expected tour groups, at least for a period of time. Museum members are the only exception. Learned from personal experience, and I have a lot of Louvre experience under my heels.

School groups use an even different entrance.

Posted by
8805 posts

That was probably it. The Louvre changes its entry policies from time to time or may as noted shut down the Carrousel or other entrance except for members. Richelieu used to be the tour entrance.