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Looking for Hotel Recommendations in Paris

Hi everyone,

I am traveling to Paris in mid-June. Our party is three adults, myself, my elderly (but spry) mother, and my teenage son. We only have a few days in Paris, but would like to find accommodations for us as a family. We are hoping to keep it $450 per night or less for a room where all three of us can sleep.

Hoping for something in the areas Rick Steves recommends (Marais, Rue Cler) but I am open to other areas. I'm finding myself overwhelmed by the choices!

We will need AC and an elevator. Breakfast at the hotel is great, but not a must have. Close proximity to the Metro is a bonus.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts!


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7719 posts

Welcome to this board with your first post, r_burdine. Have you been to Europe before?

Your request is reasonable, because there are some three-bed rooms. But it is really late for June, 2024. You may have to increase your budget. Have you clicked as far as "Check Availability" when you say overwhelmed by the choices? Are you using an aggregator like booking dot com to filter for air conditioning, or are you searching specific hotels? I ask because it sometimes is better to book directly with smaller properties-especially if your plans change or you don't like the room you are given on arrival.

Are you sure your son is comfortable with the mixed gender room and crowded bathroom? Single rooms are not impossible to find in Paris.

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4 posts

Hi Tim,

I've been using the recs from a RS book but I have used previously. I also looked on VRBO and saw some places that looked great, but some family members felt that might be too risky to go that route.

My son is not at all comfortable with being in a room with his mom and grandmother (LOL). But I take it that it might be easier to book one double room and one single?

I would say my biggest concerns are 1) Safe area and 2) accessibility for my mom. Stairs wouldn't be great.


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7719 posts

I've been to Paris ten times, but not lately. My last favorite hotel was Louvre St. Anne, which had a triple on the top floor, an elevator, and new bathrooms and A/C. Have been there twice. But there's no chance you'll get in to such a small place for next month. Not far away, I wonder if the elderly but renovated L'ile de France and associated Gallion Opera (near Opera Garnier, much better location than Rue Cler, have air conditioning. They are THREE STAR (very basic) tourist class hotels, old style France travel. I'd ask for a courtyard room so it's quieter. PLEASE CHECK ONLINE REVIEWS! But they might be in your price range, and no worse that the Leveque. Haven't been to them in 35 years though. Our Hilton in Paris has new management and branding, and would be over your price range.

I personally hate Rue Cler, and despised our one-night stay at the Leveque, could not sleep because of heat and noise. But I know many other Rick fans love it. Use the Search box top left to find other recent threads with Paris and Hotel in the subject line.

Do you understand that street crime (other than possibly pickpocketing) is far lower in Europe than it is in most US cities? You do not have to worry a lot about safety in downtown Paris. In the far suburbs and distant, lonely areas, maybe. When I first went to Paris, around 1987, I was entering the Metro when an army commando team with long guns jumped over the turnstiles for their routine anti-terror sweep of that station. This was before 9/11, although after Lockerbie, I think. Disclosure: I was born in Manhattan and grew up there.

Edit: I wonder if your mother needs a modernized bathroom? There is a certain Paris tradition of tubs elevated on legs that could be difficult to step into, with no grab bars in some cases?

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219 posts

My wife and I have stayed 9 different times at the Hotel Des Deux Avenues on rue Poncelet in the 17th Arr. They have several 3-bed units that resemble townhouses. 2 beds upstairs, and one bed and the bath downstairs. The last time we stayed there the 3-bed suites were about 400 euros per night. The hotel is air conditioned, and we always had a nice time there. The hotel is about a 15-minute walk to the Arc de Triumph.

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14480 posts

How old is your teen?

If you decide on the Rue Cler area you might see if Hotel Muguet has any availability. I'd have no problem having an older teen stay in a room of his own there. The neighborhood is very safe. Other forum members find it staid or dull but I love the number of restaurants in the area. The breakfast is fine here, usually a hot egg dish, fruit, meat and cheese, croissant and baguette, freshly squeezed OJ from that squeezer machine, lol.

The other one I stay at a lot is Hotel Relais Bosquet, however their prices are really out of sight this summer with the Olympics so I'm not staying there in October when I travel. Breakfast is the best here of anywhere that I stay. They always have bacon or sausage along with hot eggs and hot mushrooms. Plus cereal, croissant, bread, fruit, etc.

You can also try Hotel Beaugency which is in the same area. I am staying here in October. Last time I stayed I felt like it was a little tired looking and needed a refurb BUT the desk staff is awesome and the rooms are comfortable. It generally is slightly less than either Muguet or Relais Bosquet.

Really, any of these 3 I'd have no problem putting a teen in a room by themselves. I am a solo woman traveler and have never had an issue in this neighborhood.

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3856 posts

Maybe I missed it but I am not sure if you are looking for June 2024 or June 2025. If it is June 2024, I suggest not limiting yourself to Le Marais or the Rue Cler area simply because you are a bit late in the game for this year and finding two rooms or a large triple for what I assume is US$450 per night will be very challenging. If you mean this year, you may want to look at the Citadines Bastille Marais on Blvd Richard Lenoir to see if they have two studios or a one bedroom available. It is located just outside of the eastern border of Le Marais. I would try, entering your dates, and seeing what is available and coming back to request comments on your choices. I had a couple of places in mind but when I checked a random day in mid June, nothing was available or places that I thought would be in budget are showing prices in excess of $600 for one night.

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251 posts

Loved Jeanne d' Arc in the Marais and Paris France Hotel by the Republique and Temple metros. 99.9% of the time I stay in apartments (S, F, 70+ solo traveler) so have you thought about that?

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4 posts

HI all -Thanks for the wonderful suggestions. I ended up securing two rooms at the Opera Opal Hotel. It seems nicely situated between two Metro stations and not far from the Louvre. The reviews seem reasonable.

I did think about apartments and may still go that route. (I can cancel the hotel until close to our trip.)

Thanks again,