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Leaving Nice Airport to get on A8 headed west toward Aix

Using my Google Maps street view, getting to A8 from the car rental building seems fairly straightforward. Get on Av. Rene Couzinet, head north. Signs for A8 take you to M99 headed north till you see signs at a roundabout for Cannes, Cap d'Antibes. Anyone have any insights on whether that's the right way?

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2076 posts

For Aix en Provence,
Leaving the airport follow the signs "Marseille A8" (large blue signs)

No particular difficulty

There is a toll in Antibes (€3.40 cash or card)
Then a toll station around Frejus where you take a ticket (€16.80 payment at the exit)

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9 posts

agree with all said, except I would say get cash FOR SURE for the tolls, have had credit cards/cards not work or be very difficult to get through.