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Languedoc-Roussillin car or bus?

We are considering touring L-R region instead of Riviera region this May/June. I find driving on high twisty mtn roads very stressful and can't tell if Cathar sites and roads to coast would be more comfortable by bus. Thoughts?

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2916 posts

I did find a few roads in the Roussillon area somewhat challenging. However, I have a feeling that going to many of the sites you'd want to see by bus might be difficult. Bus service is often pretty sporadic in rural France, often centered around school transport.

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10252 posts

I spent a week in that area and I can't imagine doing it without a car.

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3391 posts

To get to the Cathar sites in this area would be extremely time consuming by bus - many of them are quite remote and may not even be accessible by bus. A car is highly recommended for this whole area. We've spent a great deal of time in the LR region and I can't imagine trying to see everything by public bus. The hill roads aren't so much high and twisty as they are just twisty.

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299 posts

I rarely drive and am also somewhat phobic about it, and even I rented a car to drive around this area. If I can do it, anyone can! Rousillon is SO beautiful - you'll have a wonderful time!

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3 posts

Thanks everyone for your input on the LR roads. I feel confident that I can survive car rental here!