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Knee scooter in Paris advice

Looking for any help , tips or advice traveling to Paris for 4 nights. I have an air cast and using a knee scooter, bring of sept and staying opera area. I love Paris cafes -a nice coffe and chocolate croissant sounds perfect and doable. I also have another cognitive disability so carry a card. Maybe that might be useful ??

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16364 posts

Hi there, s.hamilton -
Could you give us some more information regarding your trip? Have you already booked your hotels and sightseeing tickets? How dependent are you on the knee scooter? Are you traveling alone or is there someone with you who can push you in a wheelchair now and again at some of the museums? If not, are you able to manage stairs - even just a couple of them - at all without the scooter? Does your orthopedic surgeon (I assume you have one?) know about your trip, and is there some sort of walking cast he/she can fit you with to make this trip a bit less cumbersome?

In addition, is there any way to postpone this trip until you've healed enough not to need the scooter? I'm not meaning to throw cold water on your plans! I'm just concerned about your enjoyment if it's difficult to get around, especially so if you'll be trying to manage luggage and whatnot by yourself, and especially so if you've not traveled abroad before. Have you?

I see that you're going to Frankfurt, Germany as well.

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114 posts

Hi! If by “carry a card” you mean like a business card with information about your disability, that could be very helpful at concierge desks, with waiters and tour guides, etc. - and if you could have some printed up in French, that would be ideal.

As for the scooter… Paris is not particularly friendly for folks with mobility issues. I am on the waiting list for knee replacement surgery, so rickety getting around, and I find Paris a tad challenging. That said, there are TONS of people living there who do everything they want/need to despite using a wheelchair or scooter or walker or whatnot. You should be able to enjoy Paris on your terms and have a blast! (And a cafe au lait and a croissant. ;-)

Here’s a great guide as a start:

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4 posts

Thanks for the guide.
I a traveling with my husband so will have help. I assume I might be able to hop up and do n a few stairs too. I have not booked any sight seeing so free to choose how I feel each day.
One day will most definitely be at the French pharmacy to shop all their beauty products.

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4 posts

Also yes I have been to Paris before. And before this ankle surgery very physically fit. Started back building back up body strength to be ready to travel.