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Jules Verne and Summit Pass??

We are planning a trip to Paris in October. We plan to make dinner reservations (months ahead) for the Jules Verne Restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. So that gets us to the 2nd level. We also want to go to the top after dinner. We are happy to pay for for the lift ticket, but not sure which to buy. If I buy a ticket to the top online, does the reserved time mean anything? Should I just buy 'any' evening time, and then get in the line whenever we are ready on the 2nd level? Or will some official challenge the ticket because we didn't use it from ground to 2nd level? I've looked on line and can't seem to find this detail. I emailed the restaurant, but the reply was very basic English telling me to reserve a date at the restaurant online. :) Any suggestions?

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8874 posts

Here is a workaround. On the day of your dinner, get a walk up ticket with an optional lift to the summit add on. The lines are usually not very long for walk up tickets but give yourself plenty of time so you don't miss your dinner appointment. People who walk up to the second level then have the second ticket to the top. The whole thing costs less than a regular summit ticket with elevators all the way.

Then you take the elevator to Jules Verne and use your summit ticket from level two to the top. You cannot buy the walk up tickets ahead so you have to buy it the day you wish to use it.

On the tower itself the only point at which time on the ticket matters is getting on the base elevator. after that it doesn't matter. Some people go to the top first, others linger on the second floor and go to the top later.

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2817 posts

You cannot be the first person to dine at Jules Verne and want to visit the summit. I would write to the restaurant and ask what options you have:

[email protected]

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8874 posts

Tocard -- people have reported that the answer is -- you cannot go to the top from Jules Verne without a summit ticket -- they are not available through the restaurant. It has been discussed many times before.

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2817 posts

Update: I did write to Jules Verne and asked about the options for those dining at the JV restaurant and who wanted to visit the summit. Here is the response:

Bonjour Monsieur Tocard

L'accès au restaurant Le Jules Verne s'effectue par un ascenseur privé. Cette réservation ne donne pas accès à la visite du monument.

Dans le cas où vous souhaitez monter jusqu'au sommet de la tour Eiffel, vous devez acheter des billets pour emprunter les ascenseurs publics. Pour cela, vous pouvez soit acheter des billets en ligne sur notre site de billetterie ( avec réservation de date et heure de visite) ou acheter vos billets en caisse du monument pour un usage immédiat.

Les billets vendus en caisse ou en ligne devront être utilisés depuis le parvis en vous présentant à la file "Visiteurs avec billets".

Nous restons à votre disposition.



Relations Professionnels du Tourisme

Firstly, in true French fashion, the reply came in only 6 weeks after my having contacted the staff at Jules Vern. I suppose they only respond to email a few times a year.

Secondly, if you want to visit the summit, you must purchase a summit ticket, either in advance using the ET website, or before you use the special Jules Verne elevator.

The advantage to those dining at Jules Verne and wanting to reach the summit is nonexistent.

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10891 posts

Also in true French fashion, the letter writer says you have to start at the ground floor entrance, whereas Janet has described people reporting that you can start at the restaurant level. Les contradictions, mes amis.

Posted by
8874 posts

I have not done the workaround i.e. walking up tickets/plus elevator to the top. I would think you could use the top elevator ticket as Jules Verne is on the second floor -- I assume you can access the second floor shops and view sports from the restaurant. Once out on the deck, you would just get on the elevator with your ticket. Perhaps someone who has eaten there can describe if you can exit from the restaurant onto the second floor deck.