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Jim Haynes Dinners

Jim Haynes who hosted the dinners for locals, ex pats and in later years tourists who discovered him, died this January 6th. Our first invitation to dinner in a French home resulted from connections we made at our first dinner. Someone invited us to a vernisage for a photographer at a Turkish restaurant and further invitations followed until one of the people we got to know included us in the private party. The food was okay to dire, the wine was in boxes, and people spilled from the tiy apartment into the courtyard. Neighbors allowed the weekly events which ended at 11 pm and in exchange were provided with the first plates assembled by the volunteers in the kitchen.

Here is a BBC story about these dinners which went back over 40 years.

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7781 posts

What a remarkable report! I’d not been aware of Jim, or his dinners, and the dinners were clearly just a part of his involvement with the world of people to which he shared his life and interests. Sounds like he’s left the world a better place because of him. RIP.

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33464 posts

the world is a less interesting place with the loss of Jim Haynes

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10 posts

Years ago I went to one of Jim's infamous dinners in Paris. I was traveling alone and met some new friends to see Paris with. Jim will be missed by many. Thank you for sharing this sad news.

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657 posts

RIP Jim. He had the right approach to bringing folks together. We used to read about Jim over on Thorn Tree plus also on Fodors forum. FWIW, a certain Peter Haidlemeyer (sp) did much the same here in Toronto for many years. Pete assembled those who subscribed to the old 'Great Expeditions' travel magazine and was the arranger for monthly thematic, get-together potlucks. Different hosts volunteered to inflict their photography on the others each month. We hosted the Turkish theme slide show back in '90.
*Would love to know whatever became of Peter--his mom once lived next-door to us.
I am done. The end.

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649 posts

Oh! I am so sorry to hear about Jim Haynes! My husband and I had dinner with him and the various assorted people who find him and come to his dinners. I think it was in 2017 but we still remember him and his dinner fondly. We were just talking about him last week and the possibility of joining one of his dinners when Covid is tamed, restrictions are lifted and we can once again go to Paris. I regret we cannot join him again but but I'm grateful for the opportunity he provided. Yes, indeed, RIP Jim Haynes. Thank you, Jane for this posting.