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Itinerary Help

My husband and I will be traveling to France for a first visit in June, 2025. We will have a total of 12 days to explore and like a variety of experiences, along with good food. Paris and Normandy are a must beyond that, we think that it would be nice to experience the south of France. I figure we can fly in/out of Paris or Nice or in one and out the other. The order of the trip is not of importance to us. I'm just trying to establish an efficient flow to mitigate unnecessary travel time. For freedom purposes, we would like to pick up a rental car somewhere along the way that makes sense. Below are some considerations. Any thoughts on these locations and what cities/order would flow best? What would you consider omitting? Thank you in advance for your input.

Possibly Loire Valley
Saumur, Lyon or Roussillon (Land)

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11503 posts

Twelve days is too short a time to visit so many places. After Paris and Normandy, consider Brittany and the Loire.
Or Paris, Normandy and fly to Nice. Visit Nice, Roussillon
or fly to Nice,, visit Cap Ferrat. Antibes, drive to Rousillon.

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6713 posts

I agree, it's a lot for 12 days. Since Paris and Normandy are musts for you, I'd stick with those. Maybe a couple of days in the Loire if you want to spread yourselves thinner. For that plan, you might as well fly in and out of Paris. Nice is about six hours by train from Paris, so you'd spend the bulk of a day getting there. Lyon is a possible stop on the way, but there goes another day or two. I'm not sure what you mean by "Saumur, Lyon, or Roussillon (Land)." Saumur is a city along the Loire, Lyon a big city between Paris and Nice, Roussillon either a small town in Provence or a region in the south (not near Nice). Maybe you could clarify that.

You don't want a car in Paris, and you don't want the long drive between Paris and Nice. If you're going to Normandy, take a train to Rouen or Caen and get the car there. You could return it at CDG before flying home. Nice doesn't require a car because there's excellent train service along the coast.

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4432 posts

You've listed places you want to see but not what you want to see. My recommendation is that you start listing important sites and attractions and how much time you'll need to get to them and see them. I wouldn't be surprised if your list ends up being Paris and Normandy only. We've been throwing around ideas for a Normandy trip and we're already at 2 weeks without seeing Paris.

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45 posts

All your input is so very helpful. Due to an overwhelming consensus that so many stops would not be doable or enjoyable, we have decided to keep our adventures to Paris. Normandy and maybe Loire and reserve the south of France for a return trip. Paris will largely consist of iconic places but I would equally appreciate any suggestions about places to go around Bayeux. We plan on a DD tour. I will also Google to learn what others feel should not be missed but I also enjoy the hidden gems.

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6713 posts

A D Day tour would be a good idea -- I haven't done one but lots of forum members recommend either Overlord or Dale Booth. In Bayeux, don't miss the Norman cathedral and nearby Bayeux Tapestry. There's also a good WWII museum there. In nearby Caen, I liked the Memorial, a badly named but very well designed WWII museum that focuses broadly on the war across Europe (while the one in Bayeux focuses on the Normandy invasion). Not everyone here is as fond of the Caen museum as I am, and it takes quite awhile, so maybe not in your timeline.

I think you're wise to focus on Paris and the north instead of trying to head south this time. Save it for another trip. I flew into Nice and back from Lyon last fall (via London both times), which worked very well.

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1 posts

My Husband and I are also travelling to Paris and Normandy June 2025!
We will be arriving at CDG on a Friday and planning to take a train directly to Bayeux upon arrival for 5 nights, doing a full day Canadian D-day Tour and Half Day Omaha tour (researching tours companies) then back to Paris for 4 nights! Happy planning!

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45 posts

Thanks HayJules and you as well!

KD, thanks for all your suggestions and for sharing your trip details. I was wondering what prompted you to go to Pontorson? Was it a driving break or was there something that drew you to this location? Also, I could pick up a car rental in Caen and continue to Bayuex or I could get the rental in Rouen and spend time there and Honfluer (as you did) before moving on to Bayeux. Were you happy with your decision to spend time there?

Posted by
98 posts

HayJules, I would love a trip report when you get back.

Susan, have you made any progress in establishing your itinerary? I am planning an 11 night trip and I think Normandy and paris will be plenty for us. Also, trying to decide where to get a car. I am leaning toward picking up a car upon arrival at the airport and driving a very short distance to somewhere near Giverny as that is a must see for me.

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45 posts


I got a little sidelined with family obligations so I had to put further planning on pause. I'm now considering the following:
Paris (3 full days seeing iconic sites). Take train to.....
Giverny (1 or 2 days, activities TBD). Take train to.....
Caen (pick up car rental). Drive to......
Normandy (3 or 4 days, Beaches of Normandy and surrounding area). Fly out of Carpiquet to south of France
Nice (3 or 4 days in Nice, exploring surrounding area). Fly out of Nice

What do you plan on doing and where do you plan on staying in Giverny?