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Itinerary before & after Basque RS tour

Hi, 2 seniors, well traveled, but now prefer trains between locales. We are booked on RS Basque tour 10/26/23 to 10/4/23, starting in Bayonne, France and ending in Bilbao, Spain. We are booked to fly into Paris (from JFK) and return from Madrid. We are spending 4 nights in Paris, although we have been there before, we have never been to Versailles or Giverny and hope to return to museum d'orsey. Planning one day each. We need a destination between Paris and Bayonne for two nights, Bordeaux, Toulouse? or any recommendation? It would be great to have fast trains from all locales. After the tour, we have two nights somewhere before we head to Madrid for 2 nights. Zaragoza? We have been to Spain before, mostly the south and barcelona.
We love architecture, eating, walking, people and art.
thanks so much.

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Hello from Wisconsin,
OH MY, Bordeaux!!! If you love architecture, eating, walking and hmmm art, Well Bordeaux certainly has the first three. I am a bit embarrassed, we had such a great time in Bordeaux we didn't search out museums. The Flea market kept us busy for almost a whole day. The evenings in the university area was filled with life. Excellent food. My goodness the cathedral where Eleanor of Aquitaine married for the first time. OK, so the cathedral wasn't even close to completion at the time, but still.

The Napoleon Cafe or Cafe Napoleon. This place is great art. With seats and coffee.

wayne iNWI