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Itinerary advice requested


My husband and I are planning a trip to Paris, the Loire Valley, and Normandy to celebrate my 60th birthday in September 2024. We’re late to the game because I was dealing with some serious health issues (cancer) and just got approval from my doctor to travel overseas. My husband has visited France on a combined work/leisure trip many years ago, but I’ve never been there (we’d planned to go for my 50th birthday, but had to cancel at the last minute). I have traveled to other places in Europe in the past, but it was some time ago. We’ve lived in large cities all over the US and have traveled in Europe so we generally feel confident about getting around, but I think a lot has changed since we last visited Europe 20 years ago. Another consideration is that I tire quickly, but I’m fine as long as I take frequent rest breaks.

I’ve been lurking on this forum for a few days and have found a lot of useful info but nothing exactly like my situation, so I’m requesting input on our proposed itinerary through this forum. I’ve been a big Rick Steves fan for decades and have used his guidebooks on past trips to Europe, so this seemed like a good place to ask for help. I’d prefer not to use a travel agent as the ones we’ve consulted in the past have recommended group bus trips and that’s not our thing.

So far we have plane tickets, Eiffel Tower tickets on my birthday, and a hotel in Paris for the first 4 nights of the trip. Our plan so far is as follows:

Days 1-2 (9/16-17): Leave the West Coast US on Monday, September 16. Arrive Paris CDG Tuesday afternoon, September 17. Check into our hotel in the St Germain area and walk around to get our bearings, possibly take a Seine cruise in the evening if not too tired.

Days 3-5: (9/18-20): museums (no reservations yet, suggestions appreciated regarding timing-I’m most interested in the Louvre, Orsay, Rodin), Arc de Triomphe; we have Eiffel Tower reservations late afternoon on day 4.

Days 6-11 (9/21-26): Here’s where we really need help. Our goals are to see Versailles, a few (2-3) chateaux in the Loire Valley, some WWII sights and Mont St Michel (MSM) in Normandy. We originally wanted to do more, but decided that plan wasn’t realistic with the amount of time we have.

We considered taking an early train to Versailles on day 6, which is a Saturday (even though Rick Steves advises against it due to the crowds) to see the fountains, staying for the evening show, and sleeping in Versailles that night.

Plan A was to pick up a rental car in Versailles the next day (Sunday) and head to the Loire or Normandy, but this plan won’t work because both Hertz and Enterprise in Versailles are closed on Sundays.

Plan B was to take a train from Versailles to Caen on Sunday, pick up a rental car in Caen, see Caen’s WWII museum, drive to Bayeux and sleep there, and see the Loire on our way back to Paris. But there doesn’t seem to be a direct train from Versailles to Caen (would have to go from Versailles to Paris, then on to Caen), and the car rental companies in Caen also appear to be closed on Sunday.

So onto Plan C: we considered taking a train from Paris to the Loire on Saturday, 9/21 and renting a car to tour the Loire over the weekend, then drive to Normandy/MSM on Monday, spend a few days there, return car to CDG on Thursday, 9/26, sleep near CDG as we fly out mid-morning 9/27. But the car rental companies at TGV Tours St. Pierre appear to be closed on Saturday and Sunday.

I’m looking for suggestions on how to see what we want to (already less than we would like), but realize it might not be realistic. Should we just give up on Normandy/MSM and focus our available time on Paris, the Loire, and Versailles? Doing so makes me a bit sad because I may not ever get back to France (my cancer is considered incurable, and I want to see some other places too). Even so I’m looking forward to celebrating my 60th birthday in Paris and will enjoy whatever we’re able to do!

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Lots and lots I can relate to in this, but I'll leave it at that. Just a few the G7 Paris Taxi app for the official taxi's in Paris. It's user friendly like the uber app, so you can get a taxi from anyplace you are standing. So wonderful if you are tired, as one will just arrive right where you are. (Not needed at CDG. Just get in the official taxi line at the airport to get to your hotel. It's fixed price to left or right bank.)

I've been to Versailles twice, and if I had to eliminate something, it would be that. Always so crowded and I just feel like there's so many other wonderful things to see; that's where I'd cut.

We just got back from Paris. We took the train to Rennes and picked up our rental car there. Then went to MSM and then Normandy.
Sundays are complicated for picking/dropping off car rentals. Have you looked into taking the train to Orly Airport and picking up a car there, then on to Loire Valley, then MSM then Normandy?

Happy travels! It will be marvelous.