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Itenerary\Logistics Questions

Good day everyone. Not sure where exactly to post this as the trip will span 3 countries but since the majority of the trip will be in France I decided to post it here. If that's in error, I apologize.

While planning for an upcoming trip in the fall, I've come across an issue regarding quite expensive one way drop fees for car rentals that makes the original plan way over budget.

The plan is for a three week (24 days total) trip through the low countries, Normandy and ending in Brittany to visit friends in Brest. Originally we planned to do a one way trip starting in Amsterdam with multi day stays in Bruges, Bastogne, Rouen, Bayeux, Dinan\St. Malo and finally Brest. Basically 6 stops of 3-5 days each, exploring the region around each from a base hotel or rental property. What I've found is that doing this as a one way trip ends up adding over $1000 to the rental car for a one way drop off. The alternative would be to make a circle that both starts and ends in Amsterdam but that doubles the driving time.

I'm wondering if any more experienced travelers to the region would know of better ways to approach the transportation issue. Maybe a combination of trains between larger distances with multiple car rentals? Maybe flights to different regions as well?

Cutting out portions of the trip is also problematic as it will be very long time until we're able to get back, if ever. If anyone has ideas on how to handle the logistics more economically I would sure appreciate it.

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11724 posts

Maybe a combination of trains between larger distances with multiple car rentals?

You may have your solution here. Rent a car when other transport cannot get you to where you want and use rail/bus to cross borders. A one way rental ending in a different part of the same country usually has a small fee ( or none, as my experience in Italy)

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5324 posts

There is no need for a car in Amsterdam or Bruges. There is excellent public transportation options in and around both of these places. You could pick up a rental car on leaving Bruges to explore the area around Bastogne. The problem is then getting to Rouen. It's going to take the better part of a day no matter how you do it. If it was me, I'd probably drive back to Brussels, drop the car and train to Rouen. Maybe train to Bayeux. Then pick up a new rental car for the France portion of your stay.

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16895 posts

I would take trains from Amsterdam to Bruges and Bruges to Lille (morning departures under 2 hours with a connection at Brussels), pick up a French car in Lille (several major agents at the train station), then drive from Lille to Bastogne (2.5 hours). This doesn't take any longer than train/bus connections from Bruges to Bastogne (4.5-5 hours).

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2 posts

Thanks for the ideas. I'll definitely look into using trains more and then renting a car when needed. I'm sure I'll need one in at least Normandy and the areas around Bastogne.

For the Bastogne portion we also plan to explore the area around Nennig Germany as that's where my grandfathers unit saw heavy fighting during the Bulge. I know there's not much left there regarding the war but walking in his footsteps is of high personal importance. I've also found that the farmhouse where Generals Taylor and McAuliffe made their headquarters is available to stay in. According to the owner, it's where the famous reply of "Nuts" was sent from. It's out in the country away from town. A car will obviously be needed for that portion of the trip.

With Brittany I may not need one as our friends want to show us around. Brest is sister city to my hometown of Denver and the friends we have are heavily involved in that program and come to visit yearly. We take them sightseeing and camping in the mountains every year and I know they're excited to do the same for us when we visit. We've even been offered a free place to stay within the walls of St. Malo.

Obviously I'm in the early stages of planning and the trip isn't till late September but as everyone knows, these come up quicker than it seems initially. Thanks again for the advice, you've given me some good ideas to start with. :)

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8441 posts

The one time we did this, picking up a car in Amsterdam and driving to Belgium then up the Rhine into Alsace and then Provence and dropping it in Paris we didn't have to pay the drop fee because they had a Paris car that needed to go home. This was total luck; we were prepared to pay 350 drop fee (this was a while back). What we do is rent cars and drop them in the same country and use trains to cross borders and where we can. We have always used public transport in the Netherlands but used cars in Normandy and rural southern France. You don't want them in cities.