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Is there a TER train(s) from Avignon to Arles?

Googling how to travel from Avignon to Arles (without a car) shows a quick train journey, however its TGV. Is there a TER i.e. cheaper alternative? (of course direct train is preferable, but a change, if the connection time is not too long is ok).

What is the best website for me to look this sort of thing for myself so I don't have to bother people with posts on here again?

Thank you

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1723 posts

There are. They will show up on if you chose "Avignon Centre" as station. There are trains throughout the day, and they take about 20 minutes, without a change.

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20 posts


Is it possible to book tickets through that website? I couldn't see a book button on the journeys I was finding?

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1723 posts

You do not really need to book this in advance. Just buy tickets at the station. These are regional trains.

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7039 posts

Is it possible to book tickets through that website? I couldn't see a book button on the journeys I was finding?

It's not necessary to book in advance as others have said, but if you want to I found a 'book' button and was able to get as far as the payment screen on this website: