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Is there a good sightseeing train from Colmar to Paris on a Sunday?

Is there a good sightseeing train from Colmar to Paris on a Sunday?

My wife wants to sightsee and take pictures from train. TGV seems too fast. Up to 200 mph.

Is there a slower train through Alsace?


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20146 posts

If you want to take 8 hours to get to Paris and change trains 4 or 5 times, rather than 2 1/2 hours direct. Only TGV's run on the dedicated tracks between Strasbourg and Paris. Colmar to Strasbourg is at a more leisurely 90 mph. That is all the tracks are designed for. Distant landscapes should come out fine at 200 mph. Scenery isn't all that spectacular anyway.

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6909 posts

Scenery between Alsace and Paris isn't particularly stunning, there is no sightseeing to speak of even from the "slow" line. Take the fast train, and take more pictures of Paris instead!

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20146 posts

Maybe its not quite so bad. There is a single connection TER route in 5 1/2 hours if you can depart at 7:00 am. TER to Mulhouse, then a TER to Paris via Vesoul, Chaumont and Troyes.

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16 posts

I'm a little late on this thread, but I enjoyed the ride to and from Colmar/Paris even on the TGV. But maybe it's not the kind of trip you go on to take picture out the window. The landscape to the west of the Vosges is almost all rolling hills, fields, and small villages (from a distance), and if you sit on the north side of the train you might catch a glimpse of the silhouette of Reims cathedral on the horizon as you pass by. If you happen to know the history of the recent wars fought on that ground (WWI and II, Franco-Prussian), the landscape will take on more meaning for you. A slower train runs between Strasbourg and Colmar, though not too slow, as the earlier poster said. I wonder if the fact that they are each longish rides would still make them enjoyable--just long enough to soak up the scenery, but short enough to get you through to the next phase of your trip without wasting too much time.