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Is there a Forum History Search? Re Apartment in Paris

Hi, several months ago (I don't remember how many) I wrote on here about finding an apartment in Paris for at least a month, possibly three; and I got a response about a beautiful two-bedroom apartment. Now that I need the info, I can't find it anywhere. Is there any way to search my posts on this forum so that I can find this perfect apartment again?

If not, I'll try to describe it a bit and maybe someone knows of it or something similar. I think it was around 2,000 to 3,000 Euros a month, in a building where each apartment had a name, centrally located, with a small balcony. I know that's not much to go on, but it's all I can remember.

If I can't find that particular apartment again, does anyone have any recommendation (where you have actually stayed) for a Paris apartment that is somewhat centrally located? I'm an "older" female, and I'll be traveling with my adult daughter, four-year-old granddaughter. It needs to be at least one bedroom and a sleeping couch, priced anywhere up to 3,000 Euros. They'll be staying only two weeks, and I'll be there between one and three months.

Thanks so much.

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31 posts

Hi, Alex. Thank you so much! How did you find it? I don't see a "search" anywhere -- well, I see a "search" at the top of the page, but it doesn't work when I click on it.

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31 posts

Hi again. Okay; I was being dumb. I found my profile and everything that I had posted in the past.

I'm so excited about my upcoming trip to France! I'll be there from mid September to at least mid October, probably basing myself in Paris -- but maybe not; I'll keep checking out other places. I do intend to travel around quite a bit by train most likely to check out some of the other interesting more northerly cities. Sorry, but to me, the south is for vacationing, not living -- too darn hot for my Oregon blood!