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Is Public Transport in Paris is difficult to go through for Visually impaired people?

Hello everyone,

I'm Anita. My sister is planning to visit Paris for her project next week. I've heard that the public transportation system in Paris can be quite complex and challenging to navigate. I'm particularly concerned about the facilities available for visually impaired individuals. Are there any guidance services at metro stations that can assist visually impaired people in reaching their destinations?

I'm worried about whether she will be able to use public transportation independently. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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2 posts

Thank you for your reply. The taxi is an option. I would like to know more about the public transportation, are they reliable? Could she be able to manage independently?

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4719 posts

Where did you hear the system is complex and challenging? The Metro is one of the simplest and most efficient systems I've ever used. What other experiences would you be comparing it to?

You might reach out to the vloggers Jay Swanson and Les Frenchies to get some personalized advice regarding access for the visually impaired.

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959 posts

I think that navigating the below ground stations, particularly when switching between lines, could pose a problem for some with visual impairment. It can be crowded, with people moving in all directions, and there are many stairs and steps one has to navigate.

I would recommend using taxis, uber, etc.

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8411 posts

when you say visually impaired do you mean 'blind'. My husband is visually impaired but can navigate the metro as he has vision -- just low vision --because the signage is excellent and he uses his phone to enlarge signs he can't read and of course he is familiar with the metro so that makes it easier. On platforms the trains are announced; some cars announce the stops but most don't and so you have to be able to see the stop either on signage on the platform as you approach or on the lighted map on the car (if there is one)

I would think someone who is blind and is not very familiar with the system would find it very difficult to use alone. If she is partially sighted she should be okay -- although it isn't easy.