It is never 'safe' to leave luggage in a car and since rental cars are mostly hatchbacks, you can't really hide your stuff since the pulled hatch cover signals 'hey stuff under here.' I would travel with less luggage and plan to take it with you.
If you will leave it in the car then follow the usual rules: Do not open the trunk once you get to the parking lot. Have the things you will carry to the Mont in the cab of the car so that when you exit you take things with you without opening the trunk. Leave nothing in the car visible -- a sweater might be hiding something, so a thief might break a window to find out. Never leave anything it would be a tragedy to lose: ID, money/cards, prescription meds, electronics. Suitcases and clothes can be replaced but those are things are a major pain if lost.
Probably nothing will happen here, but one of the downsides of parking in strange places is you don't know if there are local gangs of thieves that target the particular road or lot. I have had friends who lost everything including their passports when their car was stripped at beach. They hadn't wanted to risk carrying valuables to the beach and had them locked in the trunk. There is not going to be a security patrol making sure noone is stealing. 24/7.