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Is a Passport enough identification when traveling round trip from the US to France?

I forgot that my drivers license expires the middle of March while I am in France. It takes 6-8 weeks to renew the license and we leave for France on March 12th so I won't have time to get the new one. They issue a temporary license but not sure if that would be good enough for foreign travel. Can I get by without having my permanent drivers license if I don't drive? Will my passport be the only identification I will be required to have? I can't believe I made this kind of mistake, I'm usually on top of stuff like this. Bonehead move for sure.

Posted by
11891 posts

You must have a passport. A DL not necessary unless you drive.

Posted by
6713 posts

You'll be fine as long as you don't drive. Of course you'll need your passport to enter and leave France, and hotels may want to see it too. Otherwise you shouldn't need it unless you need to identify yourself for some reason.

Posted by
23727 posts

A driver license as ID is pretty useless in Europe. The id that truly counts in your passport. Now some will use a DL, often expired, to leave with museum headset providers or something else that requires you to leave sometime of value.

Posted by
3522 posts

No one in Europe cares about your driver license, unless you want to rent a car and drive. The only identification acceptable in Europe is your full passport book.

Posted by
40 posts

Having proper identification to get into France then back into the US is my main concern. Not worried about it too much while in France. I won't be driving.

Posted by
15236 posts

Yes, I bring my US passport. If you happened to be asked for ID, just show the Passport. They are not interested in seeing anything but your US Passport.

I carry my Calif Dr Lic on me too when over there but it's irrelevant since I don't drive there anyway.

Posted by
23727 posts

Proper and only identification accepted for entering either France or the US is a passport. Are you driving at something else? Always thought that everyone understood the value of the passport. Or are you thinking that you need some type of back-up ID or two pieces of ID?

Posted by
4103 posts

You do not need two pieces of ID. The DL will get you nothing at the ports of entry and has nothing to offer for foreign travel for immigration (AKA passport control) purposes so do not waste any more time worrying about, but do check your passport's expiration date to make sure that it is three months or more past your scheduled departure date from France.

Posted by
8889 posts

A passport is the only identification accepted for foreigners in France (and the rest of Europe). A Driving Licence (French or foreign) is not valid ID. Though some people may accept it, it will not be accepted as a travel document, or by officialdom.

If you are driving in France, you need your licence (valid, not temporary) AND an "International Driving Permit" (IDP) tp drive a car legally.

Posted by
40 posts

Thanks everyone for the information. I feel much better now. As you can tell I have not traveled out of the US much and was freaked out that I would need my DL in addition to my passport. Huge relief to know I won't need my DL. I will not be driving in France. If we decide to rent a car my wife will drive. Thanks again for putting my fears to rest.

Posted by
255 posts

technically you can go to AAA and get an International Drivers License on the spot for $15, thats what you really need if you drive.

Posted by
8805 posts

The International driver's permit is not adequate for driving in France or elsewhere; it always has to be paired with a valid driver's license.

Posted by
1663 posts

On occasion we’ve been asked for an ID at a museum or other sights to rent audio guides. I’d much prefer using a Drivers license than leaving a passport. I seriously doubt anyone would check the expiration date. Just saying, still take your DL with you. I’ve also used a passport card for same purpose.

Posted by
4074 posts

Thanks everyone for the information. I feel much better now. As you
can tell I have not traveled out of the US much and was freaked out
that I would need my DL in addition to my passport. Huge relief to
know I won't need my DL. I will not be driving in France. If we decide
to rent a car my wife will drive. Thanks again for putting my fears to

I hope this is the first of many overseas trips for you and your wife. Enjoy!

Posted by
2660 posts

I was going to say what Karen wrote. I give my drivers license rather than a passport when using audio guides at museums

Posted by
245 posts

This is just my two cents, but does the temporary license have a photo on it? If not, I'd go ahead and take my expired license as well as the temporary one so you can have some ID with a photo, albeit expired. You can show that you've renewed it with the temporary license.

Posted by
40 posts

Continental, thanks! My wife and I do plan to start traveling a lot more. We are in our early 50's now and our kids are mostly raised. We are at a place in our lives now where we can do more traveling and plan to take advantage of that.

CM, I plan to take my temp license and regular licence with me like you suggested. My regular license does not expire until we are over half way through our trip and my temp license is good till August. I think I could still get an international drivers license if I wanted too since my temp license is good till August. I got a little to excited about the situation, looks like I should be fine.

Posted by
34583 posts

Just have that temporary one when you get home if you are driving home from the airport

Posted by
6713 posts

Karen makes a good point. At some museums and other sights, renting an audioguide requires leaving a piece of ID that you get back when you return the device. This could be your passport, but you might feel more comfortable providing your DL so the passport doesn't leave your hands. The people renting the audioguide probably don't care, even if it has expired, as long as it identifies you.

Posted by
11525 posts

As everyone had said all you will NEED is your passport , but I like others bring my DL as I prefer to leave it as collateral when you rent audio guides at museums - and btw do rent audio guides - they make museums a lot more interesting!!

Posted by
4074 posts

Continental, thanks! My wife and I do plan to start traveling a lot
more. We are in our early 50's now and our kids are mostly raised. We
are at a place in our lives now where we can do more traveling and
plan to take advantage of that.

Excellent! By the way, you're young! My husband is 54 and we love traveling together.